Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science (ICCS)
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)International Conference on Communication Science (ICCS) 2022 in collaboration with ASPIKOM (Communication Science Higher Education Association) presented an international conference on July 20th -21st 2022 in Lombok, Indonesia. The committee received more than 200 articles at this conference, but after the shortlisting process part of the manuscripts goes to journal publication and some others were published through this conference proceeding. The aim of this conference is to spread knowledge and update the communication studies discussed within the conference. Papers are accepted to appear in this second issue along with the conference in which they were presented. All papers, accepted in this conference are blind-reviewed and published in this year's issue. This year's conference brought up main theme highlighting Strategic Communication in The Era of Data-Based, Advanced Technology, and Environmental Crises associated with sub-topic including but not limited to: Communication and Sustainable Development; Journalism, ICT, and Digital Media; Tourism and Marketing Communication; Environmental and Disaster Communication; Political Communication; Health Communication; and Cultural Studies and Social Change.
Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)ICCS Conference proceeding aims to publish proceeding from International Conference on Communication Science organised by Communication Department University of Mataram annually. All articles in this proceeding is open access, free to read and download. Articles in this proceedings already presented in the ICCS 2021 held on November 2021.