Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science <p><strong>Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science</strong></p> <p>is the media to publish conference scientific articles received from the annual conference ICCS University of Mataram started on 2021. This proceeding also published annually with the scope of communication science related to various topics; ICT and media journalism, tourism and marketing communication, cultural studies and social change, political communication, community development, sustainable development, communication strategy.</p> en-US [email protected] (Diyah Indiyati) [email protected] (Muhlis) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:50:54 +0800 OJS 60 THE CHALLENGES OF INDONESIAN PUBLIC RELATIONS PROFESSIONALS IN THE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT ERA <p>The development of digital technology in communication and information is no longer unavoidable in the field of public relations. Public relations no longer sees big data and artificial intelligence as unfamiliar and intimidating entities. Public relations professionals must possess a comprehensive understanding of digital technologies, including big data and artificial intelligence, in order to effectively manage and navigate the technical and management aspects of their field. However, it is crucial for public relations to acknowledge the potential adverse consequences that may arise from the use of big data and AI. Indonesian PR practitioners currently lack the necessary skills and expertise in dealing with big data and AI. To address this gap, it is crucial to expedite the development of knowledge in the field of digital public relations and foster collaborations with various stakeholders. These efforts are essential for preparing future professionals in the field of public relations in Indonesia.</p> Maulina Pia Wulandari Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Health Communication Planning Implementation for the Healthy Living Community Movement Program based on Management by Objectives Theory in Banyumas Regency <p>GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement) is a program initiated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to carry out comprehensive and holistic interventions to cultivate healthy living behavior in society. Regarding to this issue, several activities were launched in the forms of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts as a continuum of care or integrated sustainable care in line with the spirit of community empowerment and increasing multisectoral action. This study is to examine the implementation of Management by Objectives (MBO) Theory of Peter Drucker through the Community Health Center <em>(Puskesmas)</em> in GERMAS program. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method with emphasis on triangulation of data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and literacy studies. In-depth observations and interviews were carried out with the Youth Posyandu team leader at the Puskesmas North Purwokerto 2, Banyumas District Nutrition Expert, Banyumas District pediatrician, and 15 Youth Posyandu cadres as an implementation of the use of data source triangulation. The other data were obtained from written documents such as Basic Health Research, Government Regulations from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Technical Instructions for Organizing Youth Posyandu from the Ministry of Health, as well as the results of internal meetings at the Banyumas District Service regarding the implementation of Youth Posyandu. The results revealed that, (1) The stages of top management commitment have been clearly defined and stated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2017. (2) The participation stage is marked by the setting of more concrete goals, namely preparing for a demographic bonus in the 2020-2035 range, Golden Indonesia 2045, and threats to the mental and physical health of teenagers. The release of the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Youth Posyandu in 2018 by the Ministry of Health constitutes an indicator of guidelines for program implementation. However, at present the implementation has not optimally conducted in various Puskesmas. This is caused by a lack of human resources, daily routine work that takes up a lot of time, and other programs already running also need attention. (3) The communication stage is marked by the implementation of the program for adolescents. The importance of raising awareness regarding the crucial importance of this program is not easy because teenagers consider that the age of 10-19 years is a healthy and productive age, so invitations to join Posyandu are less attractive.</p> Prita Suci Nurcandrani, Sandi Justitia Putra, Pundra Rengga Andhita Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Intersection between Environmentally Friendly Consumption Behavior and Students' Ability to Utilize Information and Technology in Accelerating the National Green Economy <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Realizing a green economy in Indonesia can be achieved through environmentally friendly consumption starting with the younger generation. Students as part of consumers need to apply environmentally friendly consumption patterns as a contribution to the national green economy. This study seeks to analyze how the variables of insight into food and beverages, attitudes towards environmentally friendly consumption behavior, the tendency of environmentally friendly consumption behavior, IT technical and operational skills, IT navigation and processing skills, and IT communication skills influence each other. The further objective of this research is that students are expected to be able to realize green economic awareness with environmentally friendly consumption behavior. In this study, using descriptive quantitative methods with the SEM-PLS method analyzed using primary data of 300 active students at four state universities in Malang City by distributing online questionnaires through G-Form. The results showed that the food and beverage insight variable had an effect on IT ordering ability, the environmentally friendly consumption behavior tendency variable had an effect on IT navigation and process skills through the mediating variable of food and beverage insight, the navigation ability variable had a direct effect on the attitude of environmentally friendly consumption behavior,&nbsp; and the IT technical and operational ability variable had a direct effect on the environmentally friendly consumption behavior tendency and IT communication skills. Implicatively, the research results link the two major variables of IT capability and green consumption behavior. However, if spread out, both IT capabilities and student behavior in implementing environmentally friendly consumption are mutually sustainable to achieve a green economy.</span></p> Wahjoedi Wahjoedi, Magistyo Purboyo Priambodo, Ni'matul Istiqomah, Emma Yunika Puspasari, Fariha Nuraini Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Aespa's Virtual Member Existence in the SMCU Episode 1 "Black Mamba" Short Movie <p>This qualitative study analyses the phenomenon of virtual characters in "Black Mamba" a short film from SM Entertainment's SMCU (SM Culture Universe) series featuring the girl group Aespa on YouTube, in order to examine the dynamics of communication in new media. The analysis uses Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic framework to explore how signs, objects, and interpretations interact in the film. The findings emphasise SM Entertainment's skilled integration of virtual and physical realms with the SMCU concept. Virtual personas appear to transcend digital boundaries, creating a captivating aura of mystery. Humans form strong emotional connections with these virtual characters, most likely in the real world, giving rise to a feeling of wanting to live together with the virtual characters. In addition, the research highlights the importance of virtual character's interaction in the real-world environment, prompting reflection on technology-mediated human engagement. Incorporating philosophical quotations, particularly those of Jean-Paul Sartre, adds to the philosophical consideration of the narrative. In conclusion, this study offers a profound insight into the role of new media, such as YouTube, in the creation of a distinct narrative experience. It encourages a scholarly discussion of the intersections of semiotics, identity, and technology in today's popular culture.</p> Dewi Natalia Sriwahyuni Tjan, Swita Amallia Hapsari Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Exploring The Values of Local Wisdom as An Effort to Development of Madurese Gastronomic Tourism <p>Gastronomic tourism is one of the concepts that aspire to be realized in the future tourism industry.&nbsp; This article seeks to explore various culinary tourism potentials based on local wisdom values as an effort to realize gastronomic tourism in Madura.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Madura is one of the regions that has various&nbsp;&nbsp; culinary potentials and local wisdom values that are still sustainable today and are able to attract tourists.&nbsp; The method used in this study is an exploratory qualitative approach.&nbsp; Data collection techniques are carried out by direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The informants in this study were religious leaders, communities, tour managers, and tourists. The results showed&nbsp;&nbsp; that the value of local wisdom that can be a tourist attraction is cultural festivals, natural attractions, religion, cultural tourism, culinary and community life&nbsp;&nbsp; that has educational value.&nbsp; These various tourist attractions are not only oriented towards economic benefits, but also as a medium for preserving noble socio-cultural and environmental values, as well as has educational value for tourists through the experience of tourist activities.&nbsp; The value of local wisdom that is still maintained is expected to always be passed on to the younger generation and can be useful for many parties, therefore this tourist activity always need support from various parties.</p> Nikmah Suryandari, Farida Nurul Rahmawati, Ferry Adhi Dharma Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Utilization of Communication Technology as a Promotional Media in Cultural Tourism in Bandung <p>Bandung, known as "stunning Bandung" through its new branding by the Ministry of Tourism, requires effective communication technology to align with the development of tourism and attract public interest in visiting the city. This study adopts a qualitative descriptive approach aimed at providing a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the utilization of communication media as a means to promote cultural tourism in Bandung. The research findings reveal that the city of Bandung has embraced communication technology for their cultural tourism promotion. This includes the utilization of websites and various social media platforms such as Instagram, websites, and YouTube to engage with potential tourists.</p> Dedi Kurnia Syah Putra, Soni Sadono, Danil Kasputra Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Visual and Verbal Elements on Kerta Gosa Website: A Discourse Analysis Approach <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">These days, tourism websites play a vital role to support the tourism industry, including in Bali. Tourism websites involve not only textual contents but also visual element—such as images that complement the verbal discourse on the websites. This research aims to discuss the verbal and visual elements on the websites of one of Bali’s tourist attractions, namely Kerta Gosa. Kerta Gosa is a renowned historical tourist attraction which is located in Klungkung Regency, Bali. Furthermore, this </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">research intends to identify how the website engages with its readers and explore how discourse creates a sense of belonging or exclusion within specific communities. This research utilized descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was conducted by gathering sentences and visual elements</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">, which were taken from </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kerta Gosa’s online websites Moreover, data were analyzed by using discourse analysis approach, by using Cheongs (2004). In addition to that, this research examines the meanings produced by the verbal and visual elements, as well as the contexts and processes of these meanings, and practices caused by these meanings. The results show that Kerta Gosa’s strategies through the websites includes employing persuasive speech acts, such as emotional appeals and positive language. Additionally, the visual elements such as images on the website support the verbal elements, which can influence readers' perception and encourage them to visit Kerta Gosa in Bali. To sum up, verbal and visual elements on Kerta Gosa’s websites complement one another and have a crucial role in development strategy of tourism in Bali.&nbsp;</span></p> Ni Ketut Mirah Dewi Arsani, Ni Made Gitya Sumadarsini, Ni Putu Putri Suci Indriyani Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Analysis of the Symbolic Meaning and Philosophy Behind the Ritual Stages of Mappogau Sihanua <p>Karampuang Traditional Village is a community of indigenous people that still maintains and preserves its traditions and cultural values. The people in Karampuang Traditional Village still actively carry out ritual ceremonies as a form of respect and gratitude to the spirits of their ancestors, while hoping that their lives will be better. This ritual is considered very sacred and must be carried out. However, there is a different view among some members of the Karampuang Indigenous community who only see this ritual as an expression of gratitude to traditional leaders. This research aims to explore and analyze the hidden symbolic and philosophical meanings behind the stages of the mappogau sihanua ritual which is very meaningful for the Karampuang Indigenous community. The research method used was descriptive qualitative, with the research subjects being people living in the Karampuang Traditional Village, Tompobulu Village, Bulupoddo District, Sinjai Regency. Through analytical steps such as data reduction, data presentation, and data verification through observation, interviews, and documentation, this research reveals information about the existence of the mappogau sihanua ritual as well as its symbolic and philosophical meaning. The research results show that this ritual has experienced significant changes in the perception of the Karampuang traditional community. Even though some still associate it with animist beliefs, the implementation of this ritual actually has a deep and rich meaning in the Islamic context. The mappogau sihanua ritual is carried out in the Karampuang traditional house which has simple architecture but is full of symbolism. In addition, this ritual stage emphasizes the importance of intention in every action, underscoring the spiritual dimension in the implementation of the ritual. This ritual also reflects gratitude for the harvest and contains deep human values.</p> Andi Nurhidayah Abidin, Muhammad Safar, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Andi Nurannisa, Ayu Handira, M. Nasrul Azis Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Myth of the Sanrego Bolong Wood as a Symbol of the Strength of Bugis Men <p>The existence of Sanrego wood results in a constellation of contradictory views the truth of Sanrego wood or just a 'positive suggestion'. This study is more directed towards interpretive ethnography which collects assumptions, explanations and views that tend to be positional which results in the emergence of demystification and counter-myths regarding a particular culture or custom Sanrego wood which is considered an aphrodixia plant (weapon of strength) Research on counter-myths Kayu Sanrego (Bolong Sanrego) uses qualitative research through a case study approach as well ecological ethnographic-interpretive approach. Referring to what was stated by (Creswell, 2015) that research This qualitative method is used to explore in detail and holistically the problems that exist in the field. results analysis in this research, the myths contained in the story of the Sanrego wood (Bolong Sanrego) include a belief that developed in the Sanrego Village community and has become a tradition or habit. As for factors that influence the existence of Sanrego wood (Bolong Sanrego), namely social factors, economic factors, and health factors. One of the issues that most people still consider taboo is related issues with vitality problems that are largely considered to be on the acatalepsy spectrum of male ethnography leading to a reluctance to reveal it. One of the plants that is believed to be herbal The Bugis community uses Sanrego wood (Bolong Sanrego) which is still considered a myth Treating male vitality problems.</p> Adji Syaifullah, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Sartika Sari Dewi, Andi Ferina Herbourina Bonita Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Symbolic Meaning of Conflict Communication in Presean Cultural Traditions <p>Conflict is a form of interaction involving two or more people. Conflicts often occur in life that cannot be avoided, but can be minimized. In essence, almost all individuals can be involved in a conflict based on many causal factors. Even the current phenomenon, incidents of mass violence in NTB, especially the city of Mataram. It is often triggered by issues related to ethnic, racial or religious sentiments and often arises from personal problems, resulting in fatalities and injuries. It is feared that violent spectacles and behavior that occur continuously will have a direct or indirect impact on the behavior of the younger generation by imitating culture/violence collectively and massively. This can be seen very easily and brawls between students are rampant. So, it is really necessary to instill understanding in the younger generation regarding culture that can minimize conflict. Culture as a guide to action has traditions that can be used as examples for handling conflict. One cultural tradition that can be used as a reference is the "<em>presean</em>" cultural tradition. In this tradition, it is clearly shown that the fighters (<em>pepadu</em>) carry out scenes of repelling and defeating each other using <em>jalin</em> (rattan) punches. But interestingly, the fighters who were injured did not feel anxious or hold grudges. This research was carried out using descriptive methods and analyzed qualitatively so that the results obtained include, Conflict communication that occurs in <em>presean</em> activities is studied in the form of a communication onion diagram, in the diagram depicted it is explained that communication in <em>presean</em> activities begins with the behavior of each player who involved in <em>presean</em>. This behavior takes various forms based on the motives of each individual. Furthermore, behavior will shape the player's thoughts, and thoughts will give rise to feelings. Generally, according to <em>presean</em> players, thoughts that are always good towards other people will produce good feelings too, so that conflict in the game can be avoided. The factors driving conflict include different characters who want freedom, miscommunication when playing, and different points of view. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is cultural customs.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Eka Putri Paramita, I Wayan Suadnya, Dian Lestari Miharja, YY Wima Riyayanatasya, Himayatinnufus Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Wellness Tourism Development Strategy In Madura Based on Local Wisdom <p>Wellness tourism is a new niche in the global tourism industry that has high opportunities for product development. It is this local wisdom that underlies their daily cultural behavior that has great potential in the development of wellness tourism in Madura, even though it has to deal with the challenge of Madurese stereotypes for outside communities. This background underlies the importance of designing wellness tourism strategies based on local wisdom in Madura. This study used constructivist qualitative research methods. The determination of this strategy is adjusted to the research objectives that will build a model of health tourism development strategy based on local wisdom in Madura. Observations will be made on Madurese people in the Bangkalan and Sampang regions. The location selection was carried out by considering the socio-cultural characteristics of the Madurese people who have great tourism potential. The result of this study is that Madura has various types of tourism. If associated with the concept of wellness tourism, this potential can be explored deeper with the help of the theory of cultural commodification and become a potential new tourism commodity network called "wellness tourism based on local wisdom." Wellness Tourism can be a model of tourism development strategy that can drive the local economy in the Bangkalan Madura region. The potential of the Madurese people in an effort to increase new tourism, especially wellness tourism, requires efforts to diversify products. This is also a cultural commodification in an effort to strengthen Madura's potential as a wellness tourism destination; product diversification of Madura's resource potential; Strengthening Local Wisdom Education through Non-Formal and Formal Education Institutions. And policy collaboration with the Tourism Office, cooperatives, and village governments is needed.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Farida Nurul Rahmawati, Nikmah Suryandari , Windiani Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Women and Traditional Cullinary Attraction <p>Traditional culinary has become one of the main attractions in Indonesian tourism, even occupying the first position in its contribution to gross domestic product. Culinary has also become a competitive business industry and cannot be separated from the role of women behind the scenes. Women are often associated with domestic jobs; such as household and children. However, Madurese women have limited space for movement, even though they have a high work ethic. Meanwhile, Yogyakarta women seem more aristocratic. The more traditional culinary develops, the greater the opportunity to compete in the free market era. Moreover, traditional culinary attractions can explain the figure behind culinary creations, culinary developments and innovations as well as how culture is in it. This study explains the role of women in traditional culinary attractions in the Madura and Yogyakarta regions. Through a theoretical approach and phenomenological method, this study focuses on the subjective experiences of women culinary practitioners and the involvement of external parties. The external parties involved in this research are as follows; Department of Commerce, Office of Industry and Manpower, Culinary Entrepreneurs, Bakesbangpol, and Badan Pusat Statistik. In Madurese culinary, Madurese women produce traditional culinary delights that can become the hallmark of their region. The drawback is in the traditional Madurese culinary side <em>attractions </em>which is still very minimal. Madurese traditional culinary also has different times of promotion and sale, for example Nase Serpang and Tajin Shobih which are only sold in the morning. In contrast to traditional culinary in Yogyakarta, which has strength even in terms of naming which is firmly attached to the memory of consumers. So that the traditional culinary attractions in Yogyakarta seem to be easier to attract consumers from the cooking method, sales methods to packaging. One of them is Gudeg which has a unique and traditional way of packaging, using both besek and kendil. The role of women in culinary is driven by several factors, culinary industry run from generation to generation, supporting the family's economy, and preserving traditional cuisine in Madura and Yogyakarta.</p> Dinara Maya Julijanti, Nadya Poernamasari, Erwin Rasyid Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Psychological Well-Being in Persons of Success Ritual <p>Pesugihan is a mystical ritual carried out by individuals in secret and unreasonable to obtain wealth involving mystical rituals of shamanic practices. The purpose of this research is to find out the psychological dynamics and how to interpret an individual who performs the pesugihan ritual. Data exploration was carried out by analyzing the basic motivations, both intrinsic and extrinsic, from the practice of pesugihan rituals including the informants' feelings when carrying out various rituals, praying, meditating, and fasting. The methodology in this study uses descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach. There were three informants who were involved in the research, through purposive sampling. Techniques in collecting data using observation and interviews. The results in this study indicate that psychological well-being is found in informants who carry out the pesugihan ritual and bring up an understanding of local beliefs which have a positive impact in the form of a holy feeling of soul, a feeling of comfort, a healthy body, a brighter appearance, a clearer mind, and a calmer worried mind.</p> Alwi Mahardika Sodiq, Mochamad Widjanarko Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Can We Survive? Personal Branding Model of Five Female Entrepreneurs and Songket Weavers in Padang Genting Village, Batubara Regency <p>This research was conducted to determine the personal branding model of five female entrepreneurs and songket weavers in Padang Genting Village, Batu Bara District. This research is descriptive, using qualitative analysis. With interview and observation data collection techniques. From the results of the research, it is known that the right personal branding model for five female entrepreneurs as well as songket weavers in Padang Genting Village, Batubara Regency is to maximize the three elements of Personal Branding according to Peter Montoya and Vandehey (2009). The first element is the Person, namely increasing the specialization and uniqueness of the role of women in marketing and songket weaving activities such as holding training programs to improve marketing and songket weaving skills. The second element is the Promise which requires integration between the government and female songket weavers to run a sustainable program to preserve songket weaving activities in Padang Genting Village, Batu Bara District. The obstacle experienced by women entrepreneurs as well as songket weavers is the lack of support from the government. The third element is Relationship, namely increasing the ability to establish good relationships and good communication with songket buyers inside and outside Batu Bara Regency.</p> Nurbani, Sabila Tri Ananda Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Activities Community Based Tourism to Communicate Tourism Village In Batukliang Utara Subdistrict <h1 style="margin-top: .05pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-weight: normal;">The purpose of this research is to explore activities community<span style="letter-spacing: -.2pt;">-</span>based tourism on communication destinations in Batukliang Utara Subdistrict, especially Karang Sidemen Village, Lantan Village, and Tanak Beak Village. This research used a qualitative method, so researchers tried to explore human resource activities in three villages to communicate tourism in social media. The results of this research is three villages used social media to share contents like photos, videos, ect about destination. They promote tourism in content, so the public can see activities via online. Advantage three villages using social media is that all activities can be posted without looking at space and time. But there are disadvantages to using social media. Karang Sidemen have some destinations, but only Danau Biru becomes the first object to the tourist Instagram and YouTube. Lantan Village needs to optimize human resources for maintenance contents. Lantan Village has unique activities, like cooking class, hunting local food, so this is a tourist attraction. The last Tanak Beak Village more optimised human resources in members, and then the information technology team because this community couldn't be productive.</span></h1> Yulanda Trisula Sidarta Yohanes, Hartin Nur Khusnia, Muhlis, Taufiq Ramdani, Ni Made Dwi Aninda, Julang Sulistyo Wibowo, Alya Maureen Hashifa Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Determinant Factors to Optimize Processed Bamboo Products: A Systematic Review <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The potential in Petungsewu Village and Pandanrejo Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency is so large and promising in terms of processed bamboo products. Still, there are several obstacles to utilization such as processing or marketing that have not been maximized. Therefore, this research contributes to identifying factors to optimize processed bamboo products to be more developed and also help increase economic growth in the area itself. This research utilizes a systematic literature review method to answer the questions posed. In conducting this systematic literature review, this study adopted selected reporting items as systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Also, this method can provide a systematic display and flow diagram again to improve the review and accuracy of the literature review used. The fundamental reason supporting this finding is to try to analyze the appropriate and optimal strategy from the potential of bamboo products from both Petungsewu Village and Pandanrejo Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency.</span></p> Dwi Wulandari, Putra Hilmi Prayitno, Fikri Aulia, Fuad Indra Kusuma, Linda Agustin Ningrum, Sefira Oktavia Anggraini Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Analysis of Kinesic and Proxemic Signs Structure in the Animated Music Video "Sabda Alam" <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Media campaigns are designed to attract the attention of their audience, including through animated music video media. In an animated music video, the delivery of messages is combined through narration, characters and music. This research discusses "Sabda Alam", an animated music video about protection for endemic Indonesian birds. This animated music video is the final work of the students of SMK Raden Umar Said (RUS) Kudus which received appreciation at the Balinale International Film Festival 2021. The visualization of endemic bird life presented in "Sabda Alam" is an illustration of the existence of wild animals in relation to nature and humans as an effort to survive in their habitat. The visualization of these endemic birds is interesting to study as messages packaged through visualization structured nonverbal. The analysis in this study uses qualitative methods with a nonverbal communication theory approach, namely kinesic studies related to visualization as a language of movement, and proxemic studies as visualization of space which becomes the setting of the narrative. The results of the study explain that there is an arrangement of facial and postural signs in the sign structure kinesic, in the form of character expression and bird appearance. Meanwhile, in the proxemic sign structure, signs are presented through the relationship between the character of the bird and the time and space of events. The relationship between kinesic and proxemic signs structure is proven to represent messages about the importance of protecting endangered wild animals. This research can be an academic reference in the field of visual communication design, especially the sensitivity to read visual signs as messages.</span></p> Syahid Syahid, Winny Gunarti Widya Wardani, Taufiq Akbar Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Preventing Dropouts in Tuberculosis Treatment with “Griya Bebas TBC” <p>Tuberculosis, a major public health issue, has received international attention and is included in the Sustainable Development Goals. With 969,000 recorded cases in 2021, Indonesia ranked second in the world for TB cases, after only India. This is a 145,000-case increase, or 17%, from 2020, creating a significant obstacle to achieving TB eradication by 2030. Dropout cases exacerbate this challenge, impeding progress toward tuberculosis elimination. Indonesia’s treatment success rate currently stands at 83%, falling short of the 90% target. Dropouts are linked to several issues, such as patient education about tuberculosis, lost motivation, drug side effects, and access to healthcare facilities. This situation underlined the importance of comprehensive support for patients, particularly from families, government entities, and healthcare facilities, to ensure consistent motivation for continuing treatment. The main solution is the provision of patient education, psychological support, and physical condition forming the foundation for the “<em>Griya Bebas TBC</em>” program. This study employed a literature review to outline the program’s framework. <em>Griya Bebas TBC</em> establishes a supportive environment to sustain patient motivation and deliver accurate information about tuberculosis, drug side effects, and treatment procedures. The primary objective of <em>Griya Bebas TBC</em> is to reduce the tuberculosis patient dropout rate by offering comprehensive information and fostering a supportive environment. The program adopts two complementary approaches: group interaction via popular social media platforms such as WhatsApp or Telegram and community-based approach, and individualized engagement through online health consultation applications. WhatsApp, a globally prevalent social media tool, offers a conducive platform for disseminating information to patients. Utilizing social media platforms and applications addresses issues surrounding information dissemination and healthcare facility accessibility. Health workers engaged through these platforms can provide recommendations if a patient’s condition warrants further intervention beyond consultation.</p> Bhisma Dharma Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Javanese Language Lesson at School as a Form of Strengthening Cultural Identity in Yogyakarta <p>Culture and communication are concepts that are closely related to human life because culture can be connected with all variables when humans establish interpersonal relationships with different individuals. Cultural identity is a communicative process of an individual to build and negotiate cultural background in a certain contexts, situations, topics and relationships as part of his identity in a cultural group. This research will look at strengthening cultural identity through Javanese language lessons in Yogyakarta. Qualitative methods were used in this study using in-depth interview techniques with the head of the subject teacher deliberation who was also one of the Javanese language teachers at Yogyakarta 5 State Junior High School. Based on the results of observations and interviews, Javanese language subjects as local content lessons must be able to become a forum for preserving and strengthening local wisdom in accordance with the Regulation of the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Number 64 of 2013 which states that Javanese is a regional language used by the Javanese community as a means of communication. Functionally, Javanese language subjects are also mandatory for all schools in Yogyakarta. The Javanese language also functions as an ethical, aesthetic, moral, spiritual and character education value, and the last is for students to be able to communicate with good and correct ethics and grammar, use the Javanese language as a means of communication and regional identity, improve intellectual abilities, and refine manners.</p> Astri Wulandari, Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiati Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Influence of Welfare on the Professionalism of Journalists <p><strong>T</strong>his research aims to determine the influence of welfare on the professionalism of journalists in West Nusa Tenggara. This research was conducted using a quantitative correlational method with a questionnaire as the research instrument. The questionnaire used by researchers is a closed questionnaire which is measured using a Likert scale with the dimensions Strongly Agree (SS) with a value of 5, Agree (S) with a value of 4, Neutral (N) with a value of 3, Disagree (TS) with a value of 2, and Strongly Disagree (STS) with a value of 1. Meanwhile, the sampling technique used was random sampling with a type of purposive sampling. After conducting sampling, the researcher determined 45 respondents who answered the questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using correlation and regression analysis of variable X (Welfare) with variable Y (Professionality of Journalists). This research found that there is a significant relationship between welfare and journalist professionalism. The calculated F value is 24.139. At degrees of freedom (df) = N – 2 = 45 – 2 = 43, Ftable is found to be 4.07. So, it can be concluded that Fcount &gt; Ftable (24,139 &gt; 4.07) with a significance value smaller than 0.05 (0.000 &lt; 0.05) means that the independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable. Based on these criteria, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.</p> Muhammad Jamiluddin Nur, Aurelius Rofinus Lolong Teluma, Shinta Desiyana Fajarica; Andra Ade Riyanto; Febry Wahyu, Supratman Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Communicating Climate Change Through Local Traditions of Bayan Village, North Lombok Regency <p>Disasters are events that are difficult for science to predict. There are many types of disasters that occur, especially in the Bayan area, North Lombok Regency. One of the disasters that occurs is a disaster due to climate change. Many parties are paying attention to this situation, giving rise to various forms of training and technical guidance related to disaster mitigation. Various forms of mitigation knowledge are accepted by the community. One of them is community knowledge and adaptation to disasters based on local knowledge which can be said to be part of the disaster communication process. If linked to local knowledge in disaster studies, this communication is characterized by symbolic language reflected in dances, games, rituals, etc. This communication symbol has been formulated from generation to generation based on prevailing traditions. So it is in this context that traditional traditions as local knowledge emerge as an alternative source of knowledge. It is possible for this knowledge to have an integrative nature and influence each other with global knowledge. Starting from this point, researchers feel it is important to know in depth how to communicate awareness of disaster mitigation related to climate change through local traditional traditions. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method through in-depth interviews and FGD strategies, and then the validity of the data is analyzed through data triangulation. So the results show that there are several efforts to communicate climate change to the indigenous people of Bayan village, namely: Preserving Traditions Related to Nature, Establishing Traditional Schools to Build Knowledge Related to Traditional Traditions, and Building Awareness Through <em>Awig-Awig</em>. There are inhibiting and supporting factors in efforts to preserve the environment through traditional rituals. Inhibiting factors are the limited distance between residents' houses and communicators, supporting factors are culture, family background, and norms.</p> Dian Lestari Miharja, Baiq Vira Savitri, Diyah Indiyati, Eka Putri Paramita, Aditya Aj, Bq Aulia Anita Ningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Role of Religious Tourism in The Implementation of Tourism Policy <p>Implementation of tourism policy can be communicated effectively through the role of institutions in the context of religious tourism management, the tourism sector in cultural or religious tourism through regional policies can run optimally according to the objectives of social and economic benefits. The reality of policy implementation is not fully communicated well, especially in religious tourism with a level of visitation that is no less high than other tours. This is in accordance with the reality of religious tourism in the East Java region which can be used as a pilot for religious tourism empowerment. This article will analyse the implementation of regional policies towards the development of religious tourism. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a literature review study, analysing the communication model as a component of policy implementation. Through the context of tourism development policy implementation, this research will examine the potential of culture as a tourist attraction for tourists and the implementation of policies that support development. The results of the analysis of policy implementation with a cultural background in communication are expected to make effective and efficient communication, especially through digitalisation.</p> A. Muammar Alawi, Made Bambang Adnyana, Joko Mijiarto Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Design Website for the Laboratory of Communication Science Department, University of Mataram <p><span class="s11">The website is an information technology system that makes transactions easier for us nowadays. Utilization of the website at the Multimedia Laboratory in the Communication Science Study Program at </span><span class="s11">Mataram</span><span class="s11"> University to replace the manual system in the process of borrowing equipment, calculating equipment stock, and creating reports. Systems that are still manual often cause problems in data accuracy and transparency. So a website-based information system is needed to overcome this problem. The aim of this research is to design a User Interface and User Experience for the Multimedia Laboratory website at the Communication Science Study Program, University of </span><span class="s11">Mataram</span><span class="s11">. This research method uses the User </span><span class="s11">Cantered</span><span class="s11"> Design (UCD) model which consists of four stages, namely: (1) specify the context of use; (2) specify user and organizational requirements; (3) produce design solution; and 4) evaluate design against user requirements. Based on interviews with five informants, they produced a solution for displaying the user interface of the Multimedia Laboratory website, Communication Science Study Program, </span><span class="s11">Mataram</span><span class="s11"> University. The UI design was designed based on user concerns about renting tools and items manually. The solution offered is in the form of data availability for laboratory equipment, updated item data, and responsive customer service.</span></p> Ida Ayu Sutarini Ida Ayu Sutarini, Baiq Vira Safitri, Novita Maulida, Muhammad Firdaus Julianda Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Founder's Personal Branding in Islamic Boarding School Education in Madura <p>For the Madurese people, Islamic boarding schools remain the main reference in looking for educational institutions. The Madurese people's trust in Islamic boarding schools cannot be separated from the influence of the kiai as founders. Kiai has the most important role in the development of an Islamic boarding school. As a founder, the kiai is the "soul" of the Islamic boarding school. Personal branding and a strong professional image of a kiai will become<em>“buzz”</em> in building public trust in the Islamic boarding school he leads. The founder's personal branding will have a significant impact on the credibility and level of public trust in the Islamic boarding school. This will also make it easier to attract public interest in Islamic boarding schools, as well as build wider connections and networks which will provide many benefits for the sustainability of Islamic boarding schools. Moreover, if the Islamic boarding school is a new Islamic boarding school that is competing fiercely with other Islamic boarding schools that previously existed in Madura and had a good reputation.</p> <p>The competence of the founder (kiai) in religious knowledge, his dedication and integrity as an Islamic religious leader, and supported by other essential abilities, will become a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) for a kiai. This UVP will form a reputation that will stick in the minds of the public as a kiai's personal branding. This personal branding will highlight the personal strengths that kiai have to build reputation, build trust, and communicate the differentiation that kiai have in developing their Islamic boarding school. Kiai will appear as the "face" of his Islamic boarding school. This "face" will appear in society so that people choose the Islamic boarding school they lead as a place of learning for themselves or their children.</p> <p>This qualitative research will examine the UVP owned by the founder of the Nahdlatut Ta'limiyah Pamekasan Madura Islamic boarding school, namely kiai Musleh Adnan. Kiai Musleh Adnan was previously a religious preacher whose name was widely known to the public, especially in Madura. With the ability to lecture using simple, relaxed and entertaining sentences but full of meaning and religious advice, Muslim kiai are easily accepted by the public. For this reason, this Islamic boarding school, which was only established in 2019, currently has more than seven hundred students and more than a thousand congregants attending the recitations which are regularly conducted by the kiai every week.</p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: Boarding school,<em>Personal Branding, Professional Image</em>, Madurese.</p> <p>For the Madurese people, Islamic boarding schools remain the main reference in looking for educational institutions. The Madurese people's trust in Islamic boarding schools cannot be separated from the influence of the kiai as founders. Kiai has the most important role in the development of an Islamic boarding school. As a founder, the kiai is the "soul" of the Islamic boarding school. Personal branding and a strong professional image of a kiai will become<em>“buzz”</em> in building public trust in the Islamic boarding school he leads. The founder's personal branding will have a significant impact on the credibility and level of public trust in the Islamic boarding school. This will also make it easier to attract public interest in Islamic boarding schools, as well as build wider connections and networks which will provide many benefits for the sustainability of Islamic boarding schools. Moreover, if the Islamic boarding school is a new Islamic boarding school that is competing fiercely with other Islamic boarding schools that previously existed in Madura and had a good reputation.</p> <p>The competence of the founder (kiai) in religious knowledge, his dedication and integrity as an Islamic religious leader, and supported by other essential abilities, will become a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) for a kiai. This UVP will form a reputation that will stick in the minds of the public as a kiai's personal branding. This personal branding will highlight the personal strengths that kiai have to build reputation, build trust, and communicate the differentiation that kiai have in developing their Islamic boarding school. Kiai will appear as the "face" of his Islamic boarding school. This "face" will appear in society so that people choose the Islamic boarding school they lead as a place of learning for themselves or their children.</p> <p>This qualitative research will examine the UVP owned by the founder of the Nahdlatut Ta'limiyah Pamekasan Madura Islamic boarding school, namely kiai Musleh Adnan. Kiai Musleh Adnan was previously a religious preacher whose name was widely known to the public, especially in Madura. With the ability to lecture using simple, relaxed and entertaining sentences but full of meaning and religious advice, Muslim kiai are easily accepted by the public. For this reason, this Islamic boarding school, which was only established in 2019, currently has more than seven hundred students and more than a thousand congregants attending the recitations which are regularly conducted by the kiai every week.</p> Dewi Quraisyin Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Symbolic Meaning of Ritual Communications for Ecological Resolution of The Rebo Bontong Tradition Interpretation in Pringgabaya Village East Lombok <p>The aim of this research is to describe in depth the meaning of the Rebo Bontong tradition in relation to ritual communication as an ecological resolution for the community in Pringgabaya Village, Pringgabaya District, East Lombok Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods with a semiotic approach. Observation, interviews and documentation were used as data collection techniques. The technique for determining informants in this research uses a purposive sampling technique. The results of this research show that there is a symbolic meaning in the Rebo Bontong tradition, namely the symbolic meaning in the ritual implementation process: (1) Rebo Bontong "Wednesday that is stumped or cut off" is a ceremony to reject evil. (2) Pembayun as a symbol of the opening of the Rebo Bontong ceremony. (3) Prayer as a form of hope to be kept away from danger, asking for safety and protection from various diseases and disasters, as well as what is the aim of implementing Rebo Bontong launched by Allah SWT, (4) Melarung means "to sweep away" as a symbol of gratitude for the blessings Allah SWT, safety, sustenance and a form of reciprocation for the sea products taken by fishermen by providing the produce for the fish to enjoy, as well as the balance of life between living creatures. (5) Bathing' as a symbol of cleansing or self-purification. And the symbolic meaning of ritual objects/equipment: (1) Tetulaq tamperan contains the meaning of offering to sea creatures. (2) wafaq water as a symbol of healing and treatment. (3) Telo' manuk "chicken egg" as a symbol of determination in life. (4) Bua' "areca nut" as a symbol of honesty. (5) Leko' "betel leaf" as a symbol of beauty. (6) Loose ketupat as a symbol of togetherness and (7) Traditional clothing "Lambung and Pagon" as a symbol of majesty and politeness.</p> Sapa’atun Jumalia, Eka Putri Paramita, I Wayan Suadnya Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Mainstreaming Gender in Accelerating the Reduction of Stunting in Kota Batu <p>Empirically, the study aims to describe and analyze the acceleration of stunting reduction in rural Kota Batu based on a gender mainstreaming perspective (PUG). In figures for 2022, Kota Batu is one of six cities in Indonesia with the highest stunting prevalence of 25.2%. The role of the government in terms of regulations, academics in formulating conceptuality and theory, and the citizen in implementation are elements of active participation in the fight against stunting. In cases of stunting, PUG positions women and men to the same degree. Data is collected through in-depth interviews with families with purposive stunting children, FGDs with stunting management convergence stakeholders, observation, and documentation. The first finding shows that stunting occurs in upper-middle-class families. Second, the lack of involvement of men (fathers) in all stages of activities accelerates the reduction of stunting. Third, a strong patriarchal culture in society and the family causes the domestic role of men in the family to be shallow. Fourth, the dominant cause of stunting is gender inequality, including inappropriate parenting styles, lack of nutritional intake for pregnant women and children, and lack of nutrition knowledge in Kota Batu rural communities.</p> Priyo Dari Molyo, Budhy Prianto, Sri Widayati, Lian Agustina Setiyaningsih , Sekar Arum Nuswantari Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Child Marriage: An Exploratory Study in Aik Mual, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">West Nusa Tenggara (WNT) is one of the Indonesian provinces suffering a high rate of child marriage. According to data from the Ministry of Religion's Regional Office for WNT Province, West Lombok Regency (Praya), in 2020, there were 135 marriage dispensation applications. Furthermore, data from the Praya Religious Court indicates 136 child marriages from February to June 2021. The significant prevalence of the case has influenced the local community's social, economic, and educational status. Based on these factors, this exploratory qualitative study attempts to investigate the phenomenon of child marriage in Aik Mual, East Sekotong Village, Lembar District, West Lombok Regency, WNT. The findings of this study imply that several variables, including the economy, a lack of education, and the Merariq Kodeq custom, drive child marriage. To reduce the number of cases, the local government implements various policies and programs concerning women's empowerment and child protection, ultimately changing people's perceptions of options for children other than marriage at an early age. </span></p> Puji Hariyanti, Ibnu Darmawan, Desyatri Parawahyu Mayangsari Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Science Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800