Activities Community Based Tourism to Communicate Tourism Village In Batukliang Utara Subdistrict


  • Yulanda Trisula Sidarta Yohanes Department of Communication, University of Mataram
  • Hartin Nur Khusnia Department of Communication, University of Mataram
  • Muhlis Department of Communication, University of Mataram
  • Taufiq Ramdani Universitas Mataram



community-based tourism; tourism village; communication; social media


The purpose of this research is to explore activities community-based tourism on communication destinations in Batukliang Utara Subdistrict, especially Karang Sidemen Village, Lantan Village, and Tanak Beak Village. This research used a qualitative method, so researchers tried to explore human resource activities in three villages to communicate tourism in social media. The results of this research is three villages used social media to share contents like photos, videos, ect about destination. They promote tourism in content, so the public can see activities via online. Advantage three villages using social media is that all activities can be posted without looking at space and time. But there are disadvantages to using social media. Karang Sidemen have some destinations, but only Danau Biru becomes the first object to the tourist Instagram and YouTube. Lantan Village needs to optimize human resources for maintenance contents. Lantan Village has unique activities, like cooking class, hunting local food, so this is a tourist attraction. The last Tanak Beak Village more optimised human resources in members, and then the information technology team because this community couldn't be productive.






Global Challenges and Innovations for Sustainable Development