Design Website for the Laboratory of Communication Science Department, University of Mataram


  • Ida Ayu Sutarini Ida Ayu Sutarini Universitas Mataram
  • Baiq Vira Safitri Universitas Mataram
  • Novita Maulida Universitas Mataram
  • Muhammad Firdaus Julianda Putra University of Mataram



The website is an information technology system that makes transactions easier for us nowadays. Utilization of the website at the Multimedia Laboratory in the Communication Science Study Program at Mataram University to replace the manual system in the process of borrowing equipment, calculating equipment stock, and creating reports. Systems that are still manual often cause problems in data accuracy and transparency. So a website-based information system is needed to overcome this problem. The aim of this research is to design a User Interface and User Experience for the Multimedia Laboratory website at the Communication Science Study Program, University of Mataram. This research method uses the User Cantered Design (UCD) model which consists of four stages, namely: (1) specify the context of use; (2) specify user and organizational requirements; (3) produce design solution; and 4) evaluate design against user requirements. Based on interviews with five informants, they produced a solution for displaying the user interface of the Multimedia Laboratory website, Communication Science Study Program, Mataram University. The UI design was designed based on user concerns about renting tools and items manually. The solution offered is in the form of data availability for laboratory equipment, updated item data, and responsive customer service.






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