Kata Kunci:
Inflation, Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Money Supply, Foreign Exchange, Dinar (Gold)Abstrak
Introduction : This research analyzes the relationship between inflation and economic variables using the ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) model, with an emphasis on both long-term and short-term evaluations.
Research Methods : In this study, the analysis method used is Auto Regresive Distributed Lag (ARDL) analysis. Where the ARDL model is an analysis using one or more past data from dependent variables among the explanatory variables by involving data at present time and past time from explanatory variablesFinding/Results : In the short-term analysis, the variables INTEREST_RATE, EXPORT, and M2 show significant impacts on INFLATION. EXPORT has a significant influence with varying lag effects. Conversely, the variables NTR, DINAR, and FOREIGN_EXCHANGE do not have a significant impact in this model. In the long-term analysis, the INTEREST_RATE variable has a coefficient of 1.002155 with a p-value of 0.0366, indicating a positive and significant effect on INFLATION. An increase of one unit in INTEREST_RATE is associated with an increase in INFLATION of approximately 1.002 units. Additionally, EXPORT also shows a significant long-term relationship with INFLATION, although its coefficient is small and the p-value is 0.0335. On the other hand, the variables NTR, DINAR, FOREIGN_EXCHANGE, and M2 do not show significant long-term effects, although some approach significance.
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