Hedonic Value, Impulse Buying, TikTok Live, E-commerce, Digital MarketingAbstract
With the rapid development of online shopping and increased internet usage, consumer shopping behavior is changing. This phenomenon raises the question of how hedonic value affects impulsive buying. This study aims to analyze the impact of hedonic value on impulse buying among TikTok customers . Hedonic value refers to excessive shopping activities aimed at obtaining pleasure, which results in positive consumer emotions leading to impulsive purchasing decisions.The study employs a quantitative approach using survey methods and a questionnaire involving 150 respondents who are active TikTok customers. The data analysis technique used is linear regression, chosen to analyze the relationship between the independent variable (X) hedonic value and the dependent variable (Y) impulse buying. The sample was randomly selected with criteria including TikTok customers who have made purchases in the last six months.The results show that hedonic value has a positive and significant impact on impulse buying, with a regression coefficient of 0.65 and a p-value < 0.01. This finding indicates that an increase in hedonic value is associated with a higher tendency for impulse buying, with 78% of respondents frequently making impulse purchases when faced with attractive promotions on TikTok. Additionally, hedonic value is related to a consumptive lifestyle, reflected in the tendency to continue shopping despite not feeling satisfied.This study is expected to contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior on short-video-based e-commerce platforms. For marketers, these results highlight the importance of creating content that stimulates positive emotional responses to encourage impulse buying on TikTok.
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