The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Performance Satisfaction Mediated by Leadership: A Case Study on Employees at PT. Jatimpark
Objective from study this is For analyze Influence Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Leadership on Employee Performance. Employee performance is very important for company especially at PT. Jatimpark which operates in the field of Tourism. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Leadership is component main influencing factors performance employees. CSR is commitment company for responsible on aspect economic, social and environmental. Effective CSR can increase satisfaction employees, motivation, and engagement impactful employees positive on performance employees. Data collected with through approach method quantitative with spread questionnaire to 50 employees in several branch Jatimpark. SmartPLS used For test influence direct CSR and leadership to performance employee. Object study this only involving employee Jatimpark and focuses on analysis Influence Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Leadership on Employee Performance. Research result leadership and CSR influence positive and significant to performance employees. Leadership transformative create environment productive work and good implementation of CSR increase satisfaction work this is show that CSR and style leadership important For increase performance employees in the sector tourism. Research this show that for East Java Park need strengthening CSR programs and improving quality leadership For increase performance employee.