Influence of High Salary Preferences, Light Workloads on Gen-Z Career Choices is Mediated Career Motivation


  • Lutfi Oktavia Sari Gajayana University of Malang
  • Fitria Ariyani Gajayana University of Malang
  • M.Yusuf Kurniawan Gajayana University of Malang


High Salary Preference, Light Workload, Career Choice, and Career Motivation.


The high rate of unemployment and turnover among Generation Z is an
important problem that needs attention, especially because this generation has
unique career preferences that are often different from previous generations. This
research aims to examine in depth the influence of preferences for high salaries
and light workloads on the career choices of Generation Z students, as well as
considering career motivation as a potential mediating variable. This research uses
quantitative methods with a survey approach to obtain relevant and accurate data.
Data collection was carried out by distributing online questionnaires using
Google Forms to 100 students spread across various private universities in
Malang City, students in the 2021-2023 class to ensure broad representation of
the Generation Z group. Data analysis was carried out using Path Analysis with
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the direct influence of the
independent and dependent variables as well as the intervening variables studied.
This research found that light workload and high salary preferences have a
significant influence on the career choices of Gen Z students in Malang City. A
light workload has a bigger impact, especially if accompanied by high career
motivation. The preference for high salaries also has an influence, although the
impact is smaller than workload, but increases with strong career motivation.
Career motivation acts as a partial mediator that strengthens the relationship
between these two factors on career choice. These results indicate the importance
of balancing salary, workload, and motivation in Gen Z recruitment and retention
strategies. These findings are also relevant for companies looking to attract young


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How to Cite

Sari, L. O., Ariyani, . F., & Kurniawan, M. (2024). Influence of High Salary Preferences, Light Workloads on Gen-Z Career Choices is Mediated Career Motivation. International Economics and Business Proceedings, 1(2). Retrieved from