Digital Literacy as a Moderator in the Entrepreneurial Role of Generation Z Students in Revitalizing the Tourism and Creative Economy Sectors in Pangkep Regency
Digital Literacy , Generation Z , Creative EconomyAbstract
Study This aiming For explore influence digital literacy and technology to effectiveness entrepreneurship , innovation products , as well as market expansion in the digital era. Research This use method analysis quantitative with approach survey , involving Respondent from various background behind education and age . Validity and reliability test from tool measuring show adequate results , with mark validity (r) ranges between 0.71 to 0.90 and the coefficient reliability (α) above 0.80, indicates that instrument study can reliable . PLS SEM analysis revealed that digital literacy has influence significant to digital marketing , innovation product , and market expansion , with path coefficients of 0.68, 0.70, and 0.69 respectively . In addition that , digital marketing , innovation products , and market expansion significant influence effectiveness entrepreneurship , with The path coefficient values are 0.63, 0.67, and 0.65 respectively . Survey results show that majority Respondent own understanding good digital literacy , with 55% of them is in the category understanding " Good " or "Very Good ". Use technology in education considered very important by 70% of respondents , while mastery digital tools and applications vary , with mastery of social media and applications productivity relatively more tall compared to tool data analysis . Constraints main in implementation digital literacy includes lack of infrastructure , inability technology , and the lack of training . Research This conclude that although understanding and use technology by respondents Already Enough well , there is need For increase infrastructure , training , and awareness about digital privacy and security . Support from various parties , including institution education and government , is very important For push development digital literacy and technology in a way more effective