Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram
<p><strong>Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram</strong> merupakan kumpulan laporan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh para akademisi, birokrat, dan praktisi dari berbagai institusi di seluruh Indonesia sebagai bentuk sharing pengalaman, gagasan dan praktik baik yang telah diseminasikan melalui Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komunikasi (Semnaskom) Universitas Mataram yang digelar satu tahun sekali. Terbitan pertama merupakan hasil dari diseminasi PKM Dosen pada bulan Oktober 2019 yang selanjutnya menjadi Vol 1 No 1 untuk penerbitan Prosiding ini.</p>en-US[email protected] (Aurelius Rofinus Lolong Teluma)[email protected] (Muhammad Jamiluddin Nur)Fri, 20 Dec 2024 18:09:17 +0800OJS KESEHATAN MENTAL BAGI ORANG TUA DAN ANAK DI DUSUN KANOMAN YOGYAKARTA
<p><em>As social creatures, human existence cannot be separated from the presence of other humans. Family is a person's initial and smallest means of starting life. The application of parenting styles within the family also greatly influences the formation of the identities of its members. This community service activity aims to strengthen interpersonal communication between parents and children in Kanoman Hamlet, Yogyakarta. The issue of mental health, which continues to make demands and pressures in an increasingly modern era, is now the focus of discussion using several structured implementation methods, including: program outreach, questions and answers, and educational practices through counseling guidance and psychotherapy. This activity took place in June 2024 smoothly and orderly with a total of 30 participants. The results of the activity show that the dominant role of parents is still quite strong in Kanoman Hamlet, Yogyakarta. So to realize harmonization in family communication, it should not only be built from the needs of parents, but also from the child's perspective, which of course will have an impact on increasing learning motivation, as well as self-openness. So a constructive suggestion to continue creating an increasingly conducive environment, especially in minimizing symptoms or signs of mental illness such as changes in behavior for family members, is to optimize the space for discussion and social interaction as a two-way communication process.</em></p>Dyaloka Puspita ningrum
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Edukasi Pemilahan Sampah Bagi Anak-Anak di Desa Gili Gede Indah, Sekotong, Lombok Barat
<p><em>Garbage is a major problem for tourist areas. The presence of waste can cause serious problems if it is not managed properly. Waste management can be fostered from an early age regarding waste sorting education for children. The aim of this activity is to educate children in Gili Gede Indah Village to understand the importance of sorting waste (organic, inorganic and B3) and carrying out waste sorting in everyday life. The method of implementing this activity is lecture, question and answer, and mentoring. The results of this service begin with providing material related to waste and its types, the negative impact of waste on the environment and health, and the importance of waste sorting. After providing material and interactive questions and answers, participants were divided into several groups to make handicrafts from plastic bottle waste which were made in groups and accompanied by a team. This activity provides an understanding of the importance of sorting waste and protecting the environment in tourist areas, as well as building the habit of sorting waste which helps the process of sustainable waste management.</em></p>YY Wima Riyayanatasya, Ajeng Nazhifa Taqiyya, Rahman Nur Hakim, Dary Thufail Fatih Ramzy
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Membangun Citra Positif Sekolah Melalui Pengembangan Budaya Literasi Informasi di SMPN 5 Masbagik Lombok Timur
<p>Artikel ini melaporkan dan membahas kegiatan pengembangan citra positif sebuah institusi pendidikan melalui budaya literasi informasi yang dilaksanakan dalam rangkaian kegiatan tim Kampus Mengajar Batch 7 di SMPN 5 Masbagik, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Budaya literasi tidak hanya melibatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis, tetapi juga pemahaman, interpretasi, dan analisis informasi. Dengan literasi yang baik, siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, kemampuan komunikasi, dan adaptasi terhadap perkembangan teknologi. Budaya literasi informasi dapat menciptakan lingkungan akademis yang positif, meningkatkan prestasi siswa, memperkuat keterlibatan komunitas sekolah, dan membangun kepercayaan diri siswa. Selain itu, budaya literasi juga menunjukkan komitmen sekolah terhadap pengembangan holistik siswa. Implementasi program literasi di SMPN 5 Masbagik oleh tim Kampus Mengajar Batch 7 menunjukkan dampak positif pada minat baca dan keterampilan literasi siswa, serta peningkatan motivasi belajar. Artikel ini juga memberikan rekomendasi untuk memastikan keberlanjutan dan peningkatan program literasi melalui konsistensi pelaksanaan, kolaborasi dengan dinas perpustakaan, dan pengembangan program literasi yang inovatif. Dengan upaya berkelanjutan dalam mempromosikan literasi, sekolah dapat memperkuat reputasinya dan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari masyarakat, menjadikan sekolah sebagai komunitas yang menginspirasi dan mendukung pertumbuhan siswa secara holistik.</p>Sava Arcadia Rousanfikr, Aurelius Rofinus Lolong Teluma
<p><em>Land and Forest Fires (Karhutla) are an annual problem in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province where most of the land consists of peat. Although there has been a decrease in forest and land fires in the last three years, 862.89 hectares of peatland are still burned as of July 2023. As part of the restoration effort, a cork fish farming program was launched in Penyengat Village, Riau initiated by Alam Siak Lestari (ASL) in collaboration with the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) and the local government. This research aims to further analyze cork fish farming in peat restoration efforts through an environmental communication approach. The methods used are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The results show that the economic value restoration program through cork fish farming can maintain peat soil moisture, prevent fires, and strengthen the balance of the ecosystem. An effective communication approach in conveying environmental messages proved important in encouraging changes in local community behavior. </em></p>Zuliantia, Rini Faujiah Nasution, Herza Rozanah, Nindi Manik Setiyani, Syairi Febri Nabila
<p>Banyak potensi yang dimiliki oleh kampung coklat salah satunya yaitu mampu mengelola coklat sampai siap konsumsi, sangat mungkin untuk mengembangkan hasil produksi coklat agar lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas tidak hanya di NTB. Namun kenyataannya, semenjak pandemi covid 19 pada tahun 2019 hingga saat ini kampung coklat masi sepi pengunjung. Fakta ini menyiratkan bahwa adanya perubahan perilaku konsumen dalam mengkonsumsi produk selama pandemi hingga saat ini pasca pandemi. Konsumen cenderung lebih senang dengan keberadaan metode pemasaran baru yang berbasis digital. Namun beberapa dari sosial media tidak memiliki informasi pesan yang update dan menarik sehingga perlu adanya pengelolaan yang baik terhadap media sosial milik kampung coklat . Hal ini bertujuan untuk memastikan kredibilitas pesan informasi yang ingin disampaikan melalui komunikasi pemasaran digital. Serta beberapa hal yang bersifat teknis seperti menciptakan fitur dalam media sosial, menciptakan cerita (story) mengenai produk dan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh pihak kampung coklat. Keseluruhan hal ini haruslah menjadi perhatian saat menerapkan komunikasi pemasaran digital. Oleh sebab itu pelatihan mengenai penerapan komunikasi pemasaran digital untuk meningkatkan produksi dan penjualan coklat sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan pada komunitas pengelola coklat di Kampung coklat telah menghasilkan beberapa luaran, diantaranya: adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap komunikasi pemasaran secara digital. Serta cara untuk mewujudkan komunikasi pemasaran tersebut dengan memahami alur pemasaran dan cara membangun pemasaran secara digital.</p>eka putri paramita, I wayan Suadnya, Tenri Waru
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800Literasi Pemasaran Digital pada UMKM di Banten sebagai Penguatan Ekonomi Hijau
<p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; color: black;">This community service article discusses community service through digital marketing literacy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Banten to strengthen the green economy. Through the community service program, this service aims to enhance the understanding and capabilities of MSMEs in utilizing digital marketing to support sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices. The method of service is conducted through workshops, training, and mentoring in digital literacy and marketing. The results of this program show a significant increase in the use of digital technology by MSMEs and its positive impact on the green economy.</span></em></p>Sigit Surahman, Annisarizki
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Masyarakat Guna Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Pekerja Migran Indonesia Melalui Sosialisasi Migrasi Aman
<p>Pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kelompok Muda Mengabdi di Desa Tanak Beak, Kecamatan Narmada, Kabupaten Lombok Barat memiliki tujuan utama guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat terutama bagi kelompok Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) melalui rangkaian sosialisasi migrasi aman. Agenda pengabdian ini berfokus terhadap pengkajian isu-isu berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh PMI, terutama dalam pelaksanaan prosedur serta faktor-faktor penghambat dari proses migrasi dengan mengundang Balai Pelayanan Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (BP3MI) sebagai pihak dari pemerintah. Penerapan metode yang digunakan untuk menyalurkan informasi kepada masyarakat melalui mekanisme penyuluhan interaktif, diskusi kelompok, serta simulasi kasus yang melibatkan masyarakat, khususnya PMI di Desa Tanak Beak. Hasil temuan dari penyelenggaraan sosialisasi menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Tanak Beak merupakan salah satu desa dengan angka pengirim PMI yang relatif tinggi, akan tetapi dalam beberapa kasus sebagian besar masyarakat masih kurang mengetahui informasi dan edukasi mengenai prosedur yang resmi sehingga jalur ilegal tanpa adanya pengawasan dari pemerintah tetap diminati. Meninjau dari berbagai persoalan seputar PMI tersebut, orientasi dari kegiatan pengabdian ini berupaya untuk meminimalisir sekaligus mengatasi risiko eksploitasi pekerja migran. Pengabdian ini berperan penting sebagai upaya penegakan hak-hak PMI demi meningkatkan kesejahteraan serta pengembangan kualitas hidup masyarakat Desa Tanak Beak.</p>Putri Diah Lokahita, Irzam Ghivar Kawarizmi, Audy Septia Adriana, Y.A Wahyudin, Valencia Husni
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Aplikasi Naive Bayes Classifier untuk Memprediksi Status Gizi Berdasarkan Data Antropometri Santri di Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah
<p><em>Nutritional status is one of the important indicators in determining the quality of a person's health and well-being. In the Islamic boarding school environment, monitoring the nutritional status of students is crucial considering the uniform lifestyle and eating patterns. This study aims to predict the nutritional status of students at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School using the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm based on anthropometric data. The data used include weight, height, and age of 250 students, which are classified into three categories of nutritional status: malnutrition, normal nutrition, and overweight. The web application is built using Python with Flask as the framework and Bootstrap to beautify the interface. The calculation of nutritional status is based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) with the formula: weight (kg) divided by height (m) squared. The results of the study showed that the Naive Bayes Classifier prediction model has a good level of accuracy in classifying the nutritional status of students.</em></p>Ledi Diniyatullah, Riska Septiyani
<p><em>Child marriage is still a social problem and a major challenge in Indonesia, especially in areas such as West Lombok. Based on this, a community service project by Langkah Muda was carried out in Langko Village, West Lombok, showing a short film entitled "Tulaq" as an educational medium in one of the socialization activities aimed at educating the community, especially teenagers, about preventing child marriage. This initiative is in line with the efforts of the local government, especially the GAMAK (Anti Merariq Kodeq Movement) program which has been running since 2015. This activity was carried out in Langko Village and succeeded in attracting 250 participants including village officials to the main target of education, namely teenagers. The method used in this socialization was the screening of a short film, followed by an interactive discussion with the Women and Children Empowerment Service (DP2KBP3A). This project involved pre-test and post-test surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. The results showed a significant increase in understanding from 22.82% to 60.10% about the risks and consequences of child marriage. This increase in numbers shows that education through film media is very effective in conveying messages to prevent child marriage.</em></p>Innaya Santoso, I Nyoman Angga, Yasmin maulida rahma, Khairur Rizki, Mega Nisfah Makhroja
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800PENGEMASAN DAN PELABELAN MAKANAN OLAHAN (Pendampingan Produk Makanan Olahan Berbahan Dasar Ikan Pada Kelompok Istri-Istri Nelayan Muslim Pantai Glagah, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta)
<p><em>Various food products, including ready-to-eat meals produced both on a large scale and by small home businesses, require effective marketing to reach a wider audience. One of the key marketing strategies is creating safe packaging and attractive food labels. Many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) still produce food products with simple packaging that does not meet sanitation and health standards as required by law. Limited knowledge often leads small business owners to overlook important aspects of their food products, such as using packaging that is not only unappealing but also prone to damage and contamination, posing health risks to consumers. According to Law No. 7 of 1996 on Food, food producers are required to meet standards for safety, quality, and nutrition. Therefore, food production activities intended for distribution or sale must comply with food sanitation regulations, food additives, contamination residues, and food packaging standards. The community service project focuses on the Srikandi Joint Business Group (KUB), which comprises the wives of Muslim fishermen from Pantai Glagah, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. The activities of KUB Srikandi include producing food products based on fish, such as shredded fish, crackers, crispy fish, nuggets, meatballs, and pre-cooked milkfish. The assistance provided involves training on creating multifunctional paper packaging that can be used for various products that are first packaged in plastic. This multifunctional paper packaging can be labeled with stickers containing information about KUB Srikandi, the type of food being packaged, nutritional content, and the producer's address. Additionally, members of KUB Srikandi are trained to make paper bags for the food purchased, serving both as a container and a keepsake for customers.</em></p>Marfuah Sri Sanityastuti, Napsiah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Mitigasi dan Adaptasi Bencana Hidrometeorologi Desa Simamora, Kecamatan Baktiraja, Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan
<p>The title of this Community Service activity is "Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation for Hydrometeorological Hazards in Simamora Village, Baktiraja Subdistrict, Humbang Hasundutan Regency." Simamora Village was selected as the location for this program because it is one of the villages affected by meteorological disasters. After the disaster, it became apparent that no adequate mitigation efforts had been undertaken to help the community adapt to the potential hazards in the area. Therefore, higher education institutions need to play a role in helping reduce the impacts, including alleviating trauma within the community, raising early awareness about disaster preparedness and prevention, and providing disaster education activities for the local population. The goal is to reduce the risk potential when a disaster occurs again, given the area's vulnerability to such events. The methods used in this community service include post-disaster trauma healing counseling, disaster training and simulations for youth groups, disaster mitigation exercises for elementary school students, and dissemination of disaster-related information through social media, mass media, and other platforms. The expected outcomes of this activity are publications in national journals with ISSN, publications in print/online media, and the mandatory publication of a video on YouTube. Additional outputs include presenting papers at scientific forums with proceedings.</p>Fatma Wardy Lubis, Raras Sutatminingsih , Randa Putra Kasea, Farida Hanim
<p><em>This service activity aims to provide education on healthy internet use to young mothers aged 25-35 years, especially in maintaining mental health and emotional management in the digital era. Given the high flow of parenting-related information on social media, many young mothers face difficulty sorting out valid and relevant information. In addition, the phenomenon of ‘mom shaming’ and ideal parenting standards that often appear on social media also trigger stress and feelings of insecurity among young mothers. T</em><em>his service was carried out in Demen Hamlet, Pakembinangun, Sleman, Yogyakarta, involving local PKK mothers. Through lectures, discussions, and simulations, the participants understood how to use social media wisely and the importance of maintaining mental health. The results of this activity showed an increase in awareness and knowledge of mothers regarding healthy internet use, emotional management, and the importance of ethics in using social media. The output of this service is a service report and scientific publication, which is expected to be a reference for the development of similar programs in the future.</em></p>Shulbi Muthi Sabila Salayan Putri
<p><em>This article analyzes the emergence of a movement to defend Palestine on social media, especially the "All Eyes On Rafah" movement which was carried out massively by social media users around the world. The "All Eyes On Rafah" movement on social media has succeeded in attracting world attention regarding the problems and tense situation in Palestine due to the attacks carried out by Israel. Specifically, this article analyzes the pattern of reporting using the framing analysis proposed by Robert N Entman on two news portals Tempo.Co and Cnn Indonesia.Com. This study uses a qualitative approach, which aims to understand the phenomenon as a whole from the perspective of the research subject regarding the reporting of the "All Eyes On Rafah" movement published in the period from May 28 to June 1, 2024 on the news portals Tempo.Co and Cnn Indonesia.Com. The results of this study indicate that and have an important role in shaping public understanding and response to the conflict in Rafah. While focuses more on mobilization through celebrity participation and visualization of violence, CNN Indonesia emphasizes moral responsibility and international response. These two approaches show how the media use different but complementary framing strategies to shape opinions and increase public attention to humanitarian issues and international conflicts.</em></p>Indah Mardini Putri, Yudhisti Indra Fz, Artimah Lena, Nova Serliana Sari, Ernila Sari Rahman
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Gerakan Sosial Masyarakat Desa Curug, Kec. Gunung Sundur, Kab. Bogor dalam Mewujudkan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan
<p><em>Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency, as a unique village amidst a densely populated area and industrial environment, is striving to become a tourist village by 2025. The main tourist attraction of this village is the rice field environment in Sawah Pulo, complemented by plantations, fish ponds, and livestock as a result of community efforts. The Community Service activities conducted by the team from UPN “Veteran” Jakarta aim to provide assistance in realizing the Tourist Village by 2025. Sustainable tourism is being developed as a concept that can provide long-term impacts for the local community and tourists. The assistance method prioritizes community discussions to convey the planning for the realization of the tourist village. The social movement of Curug Village consists of the Curug Village Government, environmental management, Pokdarwis, BUMDes Curug, community leaders, landowners, business owners, and the community. The planned rice field tourism has taken into account the economic, social, and environmental impacts of Curug Village for the present and future. The planned development is intended to meet the needs of visitors, the tourism industry, the environment, and the local community, and is applied in all forms of educational/edutainment tourism activities.</em></p>Kusumajanti Kusumajanti, Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti, Asep Kamaluddin Nasir, Siti Maryam, Asri Dwi Ananda
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Strategi Komunikasi Pemulihan Citra (Brand Repair) Dalam Pemberitaan Hoax Pada Perusahaan Tempe Harapan Bersama (HB) Pekanbaru
<p><em>Hoax</em> merupakan informasi yang sengaja dipalsukan atau direkayasa untuk menyembunyikan kebenaran berita aslinya, atau bisa juga diartikan sebagai upaya memutarbalikkan fakta yang sebenarnya. Salah satu <em>hoax</em> yang belakangan ini menjadi perhatian adalah terkait produk tempe Harapan Bersama (HB) yang berasal dari Pekanbaru. Isu tersebut menyebutkan bahwa dalam proses pembuatan tempe, produsen tempe HB menggunakan bahan kimia berbahaya yaitu formalin. Untuk itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi perusahaan Tempe HB memperbaiki citra produknya agar kembali dipercaya Konsumen. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teknik penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil dari Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Abdan Sakura, pimpinan Tempe HB, berhasil memulihkan citra produk dengan cepat merespons <em>hoax</em> tentang penggunaan formalin. Mereka memberikan klarifikasi kepada media, menunjukkan sertifikasi resmi, dan menjelaskan proses produksi tempe yang tidak memungkinkan penggunaan formalin. Pelaku penyebar <em>hoax</em> juga diminta memberikan klarifikasi di hadapan polisi. Langkah-langkah ini efektif dalam mengembalikan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap Tempe HB</p>Rizky Pratama Saputra, Firman Wibowo, Bayu Putra, Delia Novi Anjely, Hayatul Zikri, Asyhari Arif
<p>Menulis berita adalah merupakan suatu upaya menyampaikan sebuah informasi maupun kabar yang mengenai sesuatu kejadian atau hal dalam bentuk tertulis. Seorang penulis berita yang baik dapat menuliskan sebuah berita dengan lengkap dan komunikatif. Sehingga pembaca berita dapat memahami segala sesuatu yang disampaikan dalam berita tanpa kesulitan serta tanpa adanya kesalahan tafsir. Seorang penulis berita akan memilih mana peristiwa yang layak untuk dijadikan berita. Hal tersebut bertujuan agar apa yang dituliskan benar-benar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas. Tentu dalam menulis berita harus dapat memilih berita yang dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan. Dalam menulis berita berdasarkan susunan teks berita yang telah disusun dengan prinsip 5W+1H (What, Where, When, Who, Why, How) juga mengikuti kaidah jurnalistik. Berita sudah menjadi konsumsi wajib bagi semua orang sebab melalui berita bisa mendapatkan berbagai informasi baik itu mengenai peristiwa terbaru serta perkembangannya. Berita bisa didapatkan melalui media cetak, elektronik, internet, maupun sekedar dari mulut ke mulut. Ragam jenis berita yang bisa dibaca juga beragam yakni mulai dari ragam berita olahraga, ekonomi hingga politik, dan lainnya. Dalam menulis berita yang perlu diperhatikan oleh penulis berita yakni bagaimana menulis sebuah berita yang baik, menarik, serta sesuai aturan dan kaidah jurnalistik secara tepat. Sosialisasi tata cara penulisan berita yang baik dan benar dilakukan guna menunjang keterampilan siswa/siswi dalam menghindari hoaks atau berita bohong yang akhir akhir ini sedang marak terjadi, keterampilan ini perlu dilakukan agar para siswa dapat memahami bagaimana kaidah penulisan yang benar sesuai dengan etika jurnalistik. Diharapkan dengan dilakukannya sosialisasi ini bisa membuat para siswa untuk lebih peka terhadap arus berita atau informasi disekitar mereka, sehingga mereka dapat lebih dengan sigap mengatasi atau menangkal hoaks jika terjadi, kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mengedukasi siswa bahwa penulisan beritapun perlu kaidah kaidah agar sesuai dengan aturan dan etika yang berlaku sehingga pemberitaan tidak mengandung unsur yang merugikan pihak manapun, harus bersifat balance, netral dan tentunya harus memihak pada masyarakat luas.</p>Novita maulida, Dian Lestari Miharja, Tenri Waru
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Promosi Program Pelatihan Kewirausahaan di LKP Berlian Melalui Strategi Humas IMC
<p><em>The Entrepreneurship Skills Program (PKW) is one of the superior programs that provides free training and business capital to empower the community. However, the main challenge for LKP is attracting public interest in participating in the program. So the role of Public Relations is crucial in promoting this program. Through an Integrated Marketing Communication strategy, which involves advertising, direct marketing, social media, public relations, and Word of Mouth (WOM), it can be an effective solution to increase community participation. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to analyze how the PR strategy at LKP Berlian utilizes the marketing communication mix. The research results show that this strategy is effective in increasing community participation, with an increase in the number of PKW program registrants and participants from 2023 to 2024. Social media, public relations, and WOM are the most influential elements in this promotional effort. Good PR strategies and the use of promotional mix elements have helped LKP Berlian achieve their goals, increase program awareness, and support the institution's sustainability and growth.</em></p>Nikita Padmi, Ida Ayu Sutarini
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Semnaskom-Unram, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800