Wacana Komunikasi Pemasaran Sosial "Gerakan Bersihkan Indonesia" untuk Indonesia yang Bebas Polusi


  • Robby Adwa Fahlepi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Andre Rahmanto Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sri Hastjarjo Universitas Sebelas Maret


bersihkan Indonesia, social marketing communication, media advocacy


Air pollution in Indonesia caused by fossil fuels has become a serious environmental problem and has a negative effect on human health and the environment. To overcome the problem of air pollution in Indonesia caused by fossil fuels, cooperation from various parties is needed, namely the government, industry and society. Then the Gerakan Bersihkan Indonesia was formed, which involved various stakeholders such as the government, non-governmental organizations, communities, companies and individuals. The primary goal is to establish a public agenda through a communication discourse that aims to influence government policies in transitioning away from the use of fossil energy like coals, which is the primary source of air pollution. The research method uses a qualitative with a content analysis approach where the research object is the Gerakan Bersihkan Indonesia. Based on the results of an analysis conducted on various content in cyberspace regarding Gerakan Bersihkan Indonesia, it turns out that the communication discourse used by the Gerakan Bersihkan Indonesia uses a combination of media advocacy and social marketing communications. However, there are several additional recommendations for communication strategies that it should implement so that the messages conveyed are more widely accepted by the target audience, including using influencers and increasing persuasive content with the concept of story telling in the form of videos on various online platforms






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