Literasi Digital Generasi Z dalam Konteks Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Era Society 5.0 di SMKN 1 Sendawar Kutai Barat


  • Khairunnisa Noor Asufie Universitas Mulawarman
  • Nur Aripkah Universitas Mulawarman


Digital, Era 5.0, Generation Z


Era Society 5.0 is a condition where technological advances produce a system that is integrated with the internet without limits. The virtual world or digital space currently lives side by side with society. Generation Z is the group that dominates usage platform active social media. The digital world is a place for generation Z to express ideas, develop potential, broaden horizons and network and other positive activities. The digital world has indeed had many positive impacts on generation Z, but in fact generation Z is also not fully digitally educated in using social media platforms, this condition causes the need for digital literacy among generation Z so that activities in the digital space that are carried out do not have a negative impact on this generation. Z and approx. The target in this activity is that students with an age range of high school-equivalent education in West Kutai Regency must receive education about digital literacy in order to optimize their use platform digital is not just limited to platform social media for entertainment but howplatform digital is able to be a source of self-empowerment to maximize his potential so that he can produce something positive. Using the method of providing education with utilization platform digital via online so that we can reach more participants, we writers provide education in an interesting and educative way that is digital based. 






Komunikasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Era Digital