Analisis Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital: Content Marketing Instagram Aplikasi Membangun Kesadaran Mengelola Keuangan


  • Felicia Oktaviana Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sri Hastjarjo Universitas Sebelas Maret


Digital Communication, Content Marketing, Instagram, Fintech


Generation Z, with previous generations, have experienced changes in managing finances, so they are currently facing risks in the future. However, this generation is given the convenience to manage their finances. One of the efforts they can do is by looking for applications in the financial technology (FinTech) sector amid the development of technology in the internet of things (IoT) era. Flip is one of the FinTech sector companies that has an application to make admin fee-free interbank transfers and investment services. Flip can help millennials in managing their finances because the issue being faced by the millennial generation is the tendency to use their money for entertainment rather than investing. This is also the basis for the communication objectives carried out by Flip on their Instagram social media by using a content marketing strategy. Content is created using message characteristics and building brand awareness, easy and attractive to the millennial generation. The method used is qualitative content analysis. The result of this study is a content marketing strategy carried out by Flip on an Instagram social media account, namely the characteristics built by Flip focus on educational, entertaining, persuasive characteristics that are packaged attractively for the millennial generation.






Komunikasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Era Digital