Dari Desa Pertambangan ke Desa Wisata: Pengembangan Potensi Wisata Desa Buwun Mas Kecamatan Sekotong Kabupaten Lombok Barat


  • Agus Purbathin Hadi Universitas Mataram
  • I Wayan Suadnya Universitas Mataram
  • Asrin Dimas Tri Fathullah Universitas Mataram
  • Rosiady Husaeni Sayuti Universitas Mataram


local champion, tourism village, training, pokdarwis


The large potential for natural beauty in Buwun Mas Village is an advantage that must be developed to increase community income and welfare. The development of tourist villages is also a positive alternative to shift people's dependence on gold mining activities without permits which damage the environment and endanger health. In efforts to develop tourist villages, tourism drivers are needed from among the village community itself. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) calls them "local champions". The existence of local champions in tourism village development is central because of their role as agents of change as well as triggers for community participation in tourism development. The aim of this community service activity is to help the Village Government and Pokdarwis of Buwun Mas Village to stimulate the emergence of local champions who have the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to develop tourism potential in Buwun Mas Village. The approach/method used in this activity is: (1) Together with Pokdarwis, the PPM Team carries out an analysis of learning needs that will be conveyed in training activities, (2) Together with Pokdarwis, the PPM Team identifies prospective local champions. will attend training, 3) Carry out training activities, and (5) Evaluate the success of the training. PPM activities: Tourism Potential Development Training for Local Champions in Buwun Mas Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, have been carried out well. From the aspect of fulfilling learning needs, they have been fulfilled, and participants stated that they understand (cognitive aspect), can do (psychomotor aspect) and express attitudes (affective aspect) to implement the results of the training. The agreement on the follow-up plan by the training participants was to show an attitude to implement the results of the training in activities to develop the tourism potential of Buwun Mas Village. The lesson learned is that there is a link between research activities, PPM and Thematic KKN, so that the benefits obtained by the community are more optimal, according to community needs, and there is continuity of activities by community groups after training and mentoring.






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