Pendampingan Pembuatan Desain Penataan Pura Dadia Loring Taksu Gajah Para Di Desa Sibetan, Karangasem Bali
Assistance, arrangement, Dadia Loring Taksu Gajah Para TempleAbstract
Based on the current condition of the Dadia Loring Taksu Gajah Para Temple, the renovation of the temple is a mutual agreement that has been established between village stakeholders to prioritize this temple because the condition of several parts of the temple experienced damage caused by the eruption of Mount Agung. The temple restoration step is an idea to maintain the existing temple structure as it is. Karangasem Regency government incentives are a solution to mediate and maintain the existence of the temple. Based on this, the Sibetan Village requires technical assistance in preparing proposal documents due to the lack of expertise of the local community. The presence of knowledge from academics can bridge communication between village residents regarding access to grant funds for the renovation of the Dadia Loring Taksu Gajah Para Temple, which is very meaningful for the Sibetan Village community as a whole. The method is carried out through collecting potential and problem data, processing potential and problem data, data analysis, planning alternative designs, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), socialization of the implementation of planning ideas, and PKM activity reports. So the final result is a technical document for the design of the Dadia Loring Taksu Gajah Para Temple arrangement along with a budget plan for the renovation costs. This document is a reference and guideline for temple design arrangements, especially for the Dadia Loring Taksu Gajah Para Temple so that it can continue and maintain its sustainability as one of the temples in Sibetan Village.