Edukasi Pemilahan Sampah Bagi Anak-Anak di Desa Gili Gede Indah, Sekotong, Lombok Barat


  • YY Wima Riyayanatasya Universitas Mataram
  • Ajeng Nazhifa Taqiyya Universitas Mataram
  • Rahman Nur Hakim Universitas Mataram
  • Dary Thufail Fatih Ramzy Universitas Mataram


education, waste sorting, children, Gili Gede Indah Village


Garbage is a major problem for tourist areas. The presence of waste can cause serious problems if it is not managed properly. Waste management can be fostered from an early age regarding waste sorting education for children. The aim of this activity is to educate children in Gili Gede Indah Village to understand the importance of sorting waste (organic, inorganic and B3) and carrying out waste sorting in everyday life. The method of implementing this activity is lecture, question and answer, and mentoring. The results of this service begin with providing material related to waste and its types, the negative impact of waste on the environment and health, and the importance of waste sorting. After providing material and interactive questions and answers, participants were divided into several groups to make handicrafts from plastic bottle waste which were made in groups and accompanied by a team. This activity provides an understanding of the importance of sorting waste and protecting the environment in tourist areas, as well as building the habit of sorting waste which helps the process of sustainable waste management.






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