Pelaksanaan Pameran Kebudayaan Pada Kegiatan International Student Mobility Program (ISEP) Cultural Day Sebagai Upaya Diplomasi Budaya Indonesia Di Malaysia
Cultural Diplomacy, Cultural Exhibition, Cultural DayAbstract
The implementation of Cultural Diplomacy has massively occurred in the international world today. Cultural Diplomacy, which is an important instrument carried out by non-state actors, is aimed at establishing harmonious relations between countries. This paper seeks to explain the role of University of Mataram students in implementing the practice of Cultural Diplomacy at the University of North Malaysia, through the International Student Mobility Program (ISEP) Cultural Day program. The exhibition was carried out with an interactive approach, through discussions related to customs, history and miniature exhibitions that were displayed in such a way as a cultural symbol that had been explained. Therefore, This paper goes through several activities with concept planning, collection and arrangement of materials, and implementation. The results of this study show that the ISEP Cultural Day program provides a forum for Indonesia students to provide a positive image, especially at the University of North Malaysia. This is also evidenced by the interest of the audience, which is not only attended by students, but also lecturers and staff on duty. Thus, this program greatly builds the harmonious relationship created between Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as becoming a place to promote culture and build Indonesia's soft power in the international world, especially in the Southeast Asian region.