Pendampingan Literasi Nutrisi pada Anak Kawasan Pinggiran Kota Malang


  • Muhammad Irawan Saputra Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  • Dewanto Putra Fajar Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  • Maharani Retna Duhita UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Gerald Jonathan Andrew Universitas Brawijaya Malang


nutritional literacy, child development, suburban area of Malang


Malang is the second largest city in East Java and is known as an education city with a relatively high population growth rate due to the urbanization of students who come to continue their education. This urbanization phenomenon has an impact on urban density resulting in slums, air pollution, traffic congestion, and limited access to adequate and equitable health and hygiene facilities. Furthermore, this phenomenon has implications for the welfare level of the population which affects the quality of life and welfare of children because children are part of the family. Nutrition is a very important factor for the growth and development of children and it can be ascertained that if nutrition is fulfilled optimally, the child will grow into a quality human being. In general, some urban areas have shown an increase in children's welfare, but this is not the case in suburban areas so it is feared that the growth of children's development in suburban areas will not be optimal. The purpose of this activity is to provide nutritional literacy assistance to children in the suburbs of Malang. This activity is one of the efforts to provide education to the population about the important role of nutrition for the health and growth of children in order to realize a high level of welfare for the younger generation in the future.








Komunikasi, Literasi Digital, Manajemen Risiko, dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Global