of International Conference on Economic Issues2025-01-18T14:50:52+08:00Muhammad Dzul Fadlli[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues</p> Health Transformation and Management on Sustainable Development for Post-Pandemic Recovery: A Literature Review 2024-12-29T00:41:32+08:00Dede Himawan Dwi Susanto[email protected]<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital health transformation, emphasizing the importance of digital technology in addressing global health crises and recovery, with significant implications for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This literature review examines the impact of digital health on sustainable development in the post-pandemic era, identifying trends, best practices, and providing policy recommendations. It explores the integration of technologies like telemedicine, AI, and IoT in healthcare, which enhance access, quality, and efficiency. However, challenges such as interoperability, data security, and the digital divide remain. Effective management, cross-sector collaboration, and continuous evaluation are essential for successful implementation, offering opportunities for improved healthcare quality and innovation.</p> <p>This research is a descriptive and analytical literature review that utilizes data from scientific journals, research reports, news articles, government policies, and relevant organizational documents. Data were collected through literature searches in databases and analyzed using thematic analysis to identify main themes and subthemes, ultimately synthesizing the findings to create a conceptual framework.</p> <p>The literature review finds that while digital health transformation, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly improved healthcare access, quality, and system efficiency, achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) faces challenges related to interoperability, data security, the digital divide, and regulatory frameworks, which require strategic leadership, cross-sector collaboration, and continuous evaluation to overcome.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues ROLE OF WORK ENVIRONMENT IN ENHANCING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF WORK MOTIVATION AND LEARNING AGILITY2024-12-30T07:57:33+08:00Noermijati Noermijati[email protected]<p>The study aims to investigate the influence of work environment on employee performance, mediated by learning agility and work motivation. This research employs quantitative methods and explanatory analysis to examine the collected data. The sample consists of 137 employees from a banking in Malang, East Java, and the data is processed using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The findings reveal that work environment affect employee performance. Additionally, work environment influence learning agility and work motivation. Furthermore, learning agility and work motivation affected on employee performance. Finally, the impact of work environment on employee performance mediated by learning agility and work motivation.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Transformation of Hospitals Post-Pandemic: Adaptation Strategies and Improvement of Healthcare Service Quality2024-12-30T12:23:35+08:00Joko Pitoyo[email protected]<h1>Introduction:</h1> <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has driven significant changes in hospital management, requiring adaptations to address immediate and long-term challenges. This study explores how hospitals have evolved their practices, integrated new technologies, and focused on resilience to improve healthcare quality. By analyzing these adaptation strategies, the paper provides insights into how hospitals can achieve sustainable improvements in service quality and operational effectiveness in the post-pandemic era.</p> <p> </p> <h1>Research Method:</h1> <p>This study uses a literature search in scientific article databases using keywords: "post pandemic", "adaptation strategy", and "Improvement of Healthcare Service Quality" from 2022 to 2024 for analysis. We also used Google Scholar, Scopus, NCBI, Pubmed, SINTA-indexed and Research Gate databases for additional literature searches.</p> <p> </p> <h1>Findings/Results:</h1> <p>The study finds that hospitals post-pandemic have successfully adopted digital health technologies and flexible management practices, improving patient access, administrative efficiency, and service quality. Enhanced staff training has further boosted patient satisfaction and operational efficiency. However, challenges such as staff burnout and resource constraints persist, highlighting the effectiveness and ongoing need for innovative adaptation strategies in hospital management.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues EFFECTIVENESS OF PATIENT SATISFACTION IN INCREASING LOYALTY IN HOSPITALS: LITERATURE REVIEW2024-12-30T01:04:45+08:00Indry Nurafsari[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction:</strong></p> <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of patient satisfaction on the willingness or loyalty of patients to the hospital, which will include overall hospital services. Customer satisfaction is the goal of a hospital service, in accordance with the principles of the Seven Basic Elements of the Marketing Mix (product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence), has an important role in the hospital service marketing strategy in order to achieve patient satisfaction and loyalty. Patient loyalty is an important indicator for the success and sustainability of hospital operations, which can be achieved through optimal patient satisfaction. Factors such as speed of service, staff friendliness, availability of facilities, and clarity of information play an important role in determining the level of patient satisfaction. Patients who are satisfied with the services they receive are more likely to return to the hospital in the future, and recommend the hospital to others.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Research and Methods:</strong></p> <p>We conduct this study through the identification Literature review, where we will evaluate and interpret all relevant research results related to research that is in accordance with the topic.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Finding/Result:</strong></p> <p>This study concluded that improving patient satisfaction in hospital services is an effective strategy to increase patient or customer loyalty to reuse hospital services when needed, and also to recommend hospital services to others. Hospitals that consistently provide high-quality services and maintain good relationships with patients can build long-term loyalty that benefits both parties.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues ANALYSIS OF TROWONG CULTURE MONTOR DEALER EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE 2024-12-30T08:24:19+08:00SHOFAUN NAMLA[email protected]<p>This iresearch iaims ito ianalyze ileadership istyle iand iits iinfluence ion ithe iperformance iof iTrowong iBudaya iMontor iDealer iemployees. iLeadership iis ian ieffort ito iinfluence iother ipeople iwith iinstructions ior icommands, iactions ithat icause iother ipeople ito iact ior irespond iand icause ipositive ichange, ian iimportant idynamic iforce ithat imotivates iand icoordinates ia icompany iin iorder ito iachieve iits igoals. iLeadership iis ian iimportant ifactor iin iproviding idirection ito iemployees, ibecause iemployees iare ivery ivaluable icompany iassets ithat imust ibe imanaged iwell iby ithe icompany iin iorder ito iprovide ioptimal icontributions. iThis istudy iuses ia iqualitative iapproach iwith iinterview iand iobservation imethods ito icollect idata ifrom iemployees iat ithe idealer. iThe iresults iof ithe ianalysis ishow ithat ithe ileadership istyle iapplied ihas ia isignificant ieffect ion ithe ilevel iof iemployee iperformance.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues EFFECT OF INFLATION ON WORKERS AND EMPLOYEE SALARIES IN SEMARANG CITY2025-01-18T14:50:52+08:00Ria Ayu Lestari[email protected]<p>This research aims to analyze the effect of inflation on the salaries of workers and employees in Semarang City. Inflation is a macroeconomic factor that can influence the economic growth of society, including workers and employees. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach, data obtained from surveys and in-depth interviews with several employees in various sectors. The research results show that inflation has a significant influence on the salaries of workers/employees in Semarang City. High inflation rates tend to be accompanied by increases in salaries, but this is not always commensurate with increases in the cost of living. It is hoped that this research will provide insight for policy makers in determining wage strategies that are fairer and more responsive to inflationary conditions.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN INCREASING CONSUMER ATTRACTIVENESS AT PT. FAJAR MAKMUR SENTOSA IN JEMBER2024-12-23T22:53:25+08:00Yuniarti Puji[email protected]Ahmad Faiz Khudlari Thoha[email protected]<p>PT Fajar Makmur Sentosa is a domestic company that focuses on trading packaged cooking oil and distribution of consumer goods. This research was conducted to determine the marketing strategy used by the company in running its business. The SWOT analysis method is used to conduct internal and external evaluations that affect the company's marketing performance. Marketing mix and marketing strategy analysis are carried out to determine the company's strategy in marketing. Analysis of strategy formulation from a combination of each of these components, namely the SO strategy (Strengths and Opportunities), WO strategy (Weaknesses and Opportunities), ST strategy (Strengths and Threats), and WT strategy (Weaknesses and Threats). The results showed that PT Fajar Makmur Sentosa implemented segmentation, targeting and positioning correctly and appropriately. The marketing mix used is product strategy, price strategy, location strategy, and promotion strategy. Based on the SWOT matrix, it can be concluded that some developments through consideration of the company's internal and external factors are beneficial for the progress of PT Fajar Makmur Sentosa in the field of selling daily necessities products. The strategy of PT Fajar Makmur Sentosa is to utilize the company's internal strengths to develop products that are able to meet the needs and desires of customers more broadly.</p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues INFLUENCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS, CLAIMS, AND INVESTMENT RETURNS ON THE UNDERWRITING SURPLUS OF TABARRU' FUNDS2024-12-30T07:45:13+08:00Neneng Putri Salehah[email protected]Trisna Taufik Darmawansyah[email protected]<p>Underwriting surplus is the excess of the total tabarru' fund for a certain period, after deducting compensation/claim payments, reinsurance contributions, and technical reserves. The underwriting surplus at the end of each year in sharia life insurance companies will be disbursed according to the percentage of distribution (nisbah). At PT. Prudential Life Assurance and PT. AIA Financial sharia, the insurance participant's share is at most 80%. Followed by PT. Sun Life sharia, the insurance company's share is at most 40%. And PT. Manulife sharia, the tabarru' fund share is at most 60%.</p> <p>The formulation of the problem in this study is: 1. Does the contribution affect the underwriting surplus of tabarru' funds in sharia life insurance registered with the OJK? 2. Do claims affect the underwriting surplus of tabarru' funds in sharia life insurance registered with the OJK? 3. Do investment results affect the underwriting surplus of tabarru' funds in sharia life insurance registered with the OJK? 4. Do contributions, claims, and investment results affect the underwriting surplus of tabarru' funds in sharia life insurance registered with the OJK?</p> <p>This study uses a quantitative method. In this study, the population used is 50 sharia life insurance companies registered with the OJK. The sample used was 7 companies and used the purposive sampling method. The data analysis method used is panel data regression using the help of Eviews 12 software.</p> <p>The conclusion of the results of this study is that the variables of contribution, claims, and investment results partially do not affect the underwriting surplus of tabarru' funds. Simultaneously, the variables of contribution, claims and investment results affect the underwriting surplus of tabarru' funds with an Fcount value of 12.61913 > Ftable of 2.911334014 and a significant value of 0.000000 < 0.05.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues OF THE DETERMINANTS OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION INEQUALITY IN INDONESIA2024-12-30T12:10:48+08:00Huswatun Hasanah[email protected]<p>This study aims to analyze the determinants of income distribution inequality in Indonesia. This study focuses on average years of schooling, life expectancy, per capita expenditure Human Development Index (HDI), poverty, and open unemployment rate as factors that affect income distribution inequality in Indonesia. This study uses panel data regression method using data sourced from the annual report of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) from 2018 to 2023, consisting of 34 provinces in Indonesia. The regression analysis results show that life expectancy, Human Development Index (HDI), and poverty have a significant influence on income distribution inequality, while other variables are not significant. Income distribution inequality is still a problem despite the growing economy. This research is expected to help in making policies that can reduce income distribution inequality in Indonesia.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Influence of Organizational Involvement and Work Motivation on the Job Readiness of Students at the Faculty of Economics, Wahid Hasyim University, Semarang2024-12-30T00:55:40+08:00Embun Suryaning Dina[email protected]<p>Job readiness refers to the condition of an individual who is prepared to work both physically and mentally. Active participation in organizations offers numerous benefits for the personal and professional development of students. Through involvement in organizations, students can enhance their soft skills, such as leadership, communication, teamwork, and time management, which are essential in the workplace. Meanwhile, work interest reflects the motivation and interest of students in the profession or field of work they wish to pursue. This study aims to examine how the influence of organizational involvement and students' work interest can affect their readiness to enter the job market. This topic is interesting to research as both factors play a crucial role in shaping the quality of graduates who are ready to compete in the workforce. Active participation in organizations provides practical experience outside the classroom, helping students develop social skills, leadership abilities, and conflict management. On the other hand, work motivation reflects the aspirations and career goals of students, encouraging them to focus more on preparing for challenges in the job market. This research employs a quantitative method. The sample consists of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business at Wahid Hasyim University Semarang, specifically the 2021 cohort who are involved in organizations. Data for this study were randomly collected using random sampling with a total of 30 respondents. The results indicate that organizational involvement has a significant impact on job readiness, while work motivation does not have a significant effect.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues of Digital-Based Economy in Indonesia2024-12-30T08:17:06+08:00Ramadani Kurniawan[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction :</strong> The development of the digital-based economy in Indonesia has shown significant improvement in recent years, especially in the context of recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic digitalization not only encourages the growth of the information and communications technology sector, but also plays an important role in increasing national competitiveness and supporting sustainable development. Several digital-based economic changes in Indonesia such as E-commerce, digital SMEs and digital banking services. This research aims to analyze the impact of digital transformation on Indonesia's economic growth, with a focus on technology adoption by business actors, the role of government in supporting digital transformation, as well as the potential contribution of the digital economy to post-pandemic recovery and achieving sustainable development goals. <strong>Research Methods</strong><strong> :</strong> The method used in this research includes analysis of secondary data in the form of theory, official government reports and empirical findings from previous research obtained using literature studies.</p> <p><strong>Finding / Result : </strong>The findings reveal that although Indonesia has substantial potential in the digital economy, challenges remain, such as uneven digital infrastructure and limited access to technology in certain regions. Moreover, digital transformation has the potential to become a key pillar in achieving sustainable development goals by accelerating post-pandemic economic recovery. These insights are essential for policymakers and industry players to optimize the potential of the digital economy in Indonesia in support of sustainable development.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN PATI REGENCY: OPTIMIZING COLLABORATION AND DESTINATION MANAGEMENT NETWORKS2025-01-18T14:22:46+08:00Moh Fathur Rozaq[email protected]<p>Pati Regency, as part of the integrated tourism area of <em>Pakudjembara</em>, has untapped tourism potential, including the Gunungsari Pine Forest, which offers beautiful scenery and cool air in the Muria mount ains, and was inaugurated as a Tourist Village on December 2, 2017. However, a lack of networking and cooperation between the government and village tourism managers is impeding the development of tourism in this area, which has a negative impact on visitor attraction. This study emphasizes the importance of collaboration between managers, the government, the community, and the private sector to enhance the quality, innovation, and competitiveness of tourist destinations in support of sustainable and competitive tourism development. The research sample includes village tourism managers, Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis), MSMEs in the tourism value chain, as well as village and Pati Regency governments, with the leading sector being the Pati Regency Tourism and Culture Office. The local community and visitors are also part of the research sample. Data collection techniques include questionnaires, in-depth interviews, field observations, and document studies from government reports. The data was analyzed using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) to assess the relative attractiveness of various development strategies based on internal and external factors. The outcome of this research is the formulation of strategies to enhance the development of the Gunungsari Pine Forest Tourist Village through collaboration and networking involving various stakeholders.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues"Empowering Young Adults through Financial Management: Implications for Achieving the SDGs Among Indonesian Students in the Philippines "2024-12-20T22:39:32+08:00Ambar[email protected]<p>This study explores the critical factors influencing personal financial management among Indonesian students studying in the Philippines. Effective personal financial management not only ensures individual financial stability but also contributes to broader economic sustainability, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as poverty reduction (SDG 1) and responsible consumption (SDG 12). Using a qualitative descriptive approach through surveys and interviews, the study reveals that students prioritize financial management for long-term savings, utilize technology for budgeting and investments, and face challenges like uncontrolled spending and peer pressure. These findings highlight the importance of fostering financial literacy and discipline among young adults, which can lead to more sustainable financial behaviors. By promoting responsible financial practices, this research underscores the potential of personal financial management to contribute to both individual well-being and the achievement of global sustainability targets. </p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Icones MANAGEMENT ON STUNTING INTERVENTION FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH ACCELERATION TOWARDS THE GOLDEN INDONESIA 20452024-12-30T01:24:24+08:00Marissa Marissa[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Stunting is a significant health problem that impairs children's physical and cognitive development, leading to long-term consequences for economic growth and workforce productivity. A productive labour force, fuelled by demographic bonus opportunities from 2020 to 2045, is key to accelerating Indonesia's economic growth. Effective prevention of stunting can improve the quality of human resources and support the vision of "The Golden Indonesia 2045." Despite a reduction in the stunting rate to 21.6% in 2022, the decrease slowed to only 0.1% in 2023, with a target of 14% set for 2024. Simultaneously, Indonesia's GDP is projected to reach USD 1.3 trillion by the first quarter of 2024. This study examines how hospital management can play a role in reducing stunting and boosting economic growth.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Research Methods</strong>: Through a literature review, the study compiles data from articles, government publications, and case studies regarding hospital management's role in stunting interventions. It identifies key strategies used by hospitals to combat stunting and how these efforts contribute to economic growth aligned with Indonesia's Golden Vision for 2045.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Findings/Results</strong>: The study reveals that hospital management practices such as data-driven nutrition programs, staff training, and continuous monitoring systems are effective in managing and reducing stunting. These interventions not only improve children's health but also have a direct positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth. Meeting stunting reduction targets is essential for positioning Indonesia as one of the world's leading economies by 2045.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues of Digital Marketing Strategy to Increase the Number of Patient Visits in Hospitals in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Literature Review2024-12-30T11:55:37+08:00Angela Azalia Trisna Putri[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction : </strong>In the post-pandemic era, hospitals facing significant challenges in attracting and retaining patients amid changing consumer behaviour and increasing market competition. This article aims to analyze effective digital marketing strategies to increase patient visits to hospitals through a literature review. Using a literature review of recent studies and reports, this study explores various digital techniques and tools that have proven successful in the healthcare sector, including the use of social media, content marketing, and paid advertising content.</p> <p><strong>Research Method: </strong>Data collection was conducted on academic databases, Pubmed, Scientific books and journals, Scopus and SINTA-indexed journals reviewed in the last five years. A Literature Review was used by embedding the keywords "Digital Marketing Strategies” OR “Digital Marketing”, AND “Post-Pandemic" AND "Hospital Patient Acquisition" OR "Increasing Hospital Visits”. Related publications and articles were selected to be reviewed.</p> <p><strong>Findings/ Results: </strong>The findings of this study are expected to provide strategic guidance for hospital marketing managers and health policy makers in designing and implementing effective digital platforms in the post-pandemic era. The main focus of this review is to provide recommendations for the latest digital marketing techniques that can be adopted by hospitals to increase visibility and increase patient numbers.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) BRINGS SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS IN A BORDERLESS WORLD2024-12-30T00:46:55+08:00Yonas Klemens G.D. Gobang[email protected]<p>The advancement of information and communication technology has significant implications for the social and economic lives of people worldwide, including people in Indonesia. This advancement transcends national and regional boundaries and reaches all social institutions and the economic power of the society. Various forms of creativity and innovation emerge as answers to various problems that simultaneously surface along with advances in internet-based information and communication technology. This research used a literacy study method combined with various data from participatory and phenomenological approaches to affirm the problems found in addition to advances in internet-based information and communication technology. The advancement of information and communication technology has covered three levels of development, namely the hardware level, software level, and meaning system level. At the hardware level, information and communication technology has also expanded in various countries including Indonesia, where almost all private and government agencies utilize information and communication technology to increase the quantity and acceleration of information production. Besides that, at the software level, information and communication technology is used to improve product quality because it is closely related to how the technology is used. In every country, almost all areas of life strategically require a touch of information and communication technology. This can be seen in the various products of information and communication technology companies that produce everything from <em>e-mail</em>,<em> e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journal, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-shopping, e-banking</em>, and all electronic-based information and communication systems. The application of information and communication technology brings social and economic implications for all citizens wherever they are into a condition that cannot be rejected by anyone or any nation, a <em>conditio sine qua non</em> of a movement of human civilization inhabiting this earth.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF HEALTH FACILITY SERVICES IN THE BPJS ERA2024-12-30T08:08:32+08:00Nurrofi Sekarjati[email protected]<p>Human resources are an important factor for an institution. Health human resources in Indonesia have their own problems and challenges, such as availability, accessibility, acceptability, quality and distribution which are not yet optimal, thus affecting the quality of services in health facilities, especially in the BPJS era which demands an understanding of management by health workers in serving patients. The scientific reading sources obtained are still very minimal regarding human resource management, especially regarding the strategies used in managing management policies. The aim of this research is to find out what strategies can be used to improve health human resource management so that it can improve the quality of service in health facilities. This study uses a research design in the form of content analysis by analyzing data obtained from various journal sources, scientific articles, and other relevant sources searched. The selected journals were obtained which will be analyzed by creating a journal matrix. The indicators displayed are, topic/strategy used, research methods, research instruments, year of research, research subjects, results or research progress. Based on data analysis, it was found that the type of research used was dominated by a qualitative approach, with systematic review methods, and with literature review research instruments. The strategies used are training and education, but most journals do not reveal the human resource development strategies used to improve the quality of services in health facilities in the BPJS era.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues INTERPLAY OF INNOVATION STRATEGY AND DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES IN ACHIEVING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: THE MODERATING ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMISM2025-01-03T16:10:50+08:00Matias Andika Yuwono[email protected]<p>Companies need to maintain a competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic business environment. This article proposes a conceptual framework to understand the role of innovation strategy (IS) and dynamic capabilities (DC) in achieving competitive advantage (CA), with environmental dynamism (ED) as a moderating variable. The first hypothesis states that innovation strategy positively affects competitive advantage. The second hypothesis states that innovation strategy positively affects dynamic capabilities. The third hypothesis proposes that dynamic capabilities positively affect competitive advantage. The fourth hypothesis examines the mediating role of dynamic capabilities in the relationship between innovation strategy and competitive advantage. The fifth hypothesis states that environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between innovation strategy and competitive advantage. Innovation strategy enables companies to develop unique products, services, and processes, enhancing adaptability and operational efficiency. Dynamic capabilities allow companies to quickly adapt to changes, seize opportunities, and reconfigure resources effectively. Environmental dynamism can strengthen the relationship between innovation strategy and competitive advantage, particularly in highly dynamic conditions.</p> <p>Further research is needed to test and validate these relationships in various industrial and geographical contexts. Empirical studies will provide deeper insights into the dynamics between innovation strategy, dynamic capabilities, and competitive advantage. Recommendations for companies include continuous investment in innovation, development of dynamic capabilities, and adjusting strategy to environmental dynamism to achieve and sustain competitive advantage.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues"The Influence of Product Innovation and Digital Promotion on Purchase Intention in Cre4tify's Business in Semarang City "2024-12-20T21:48:11+08:00Addin Nilla[email protected]<p>In the era of globalization and increasingly intense market competition, product innovation is a crucial aspect of the competitive business landscape. Digital promotion is also an effective means of enhancing awareness and interest in purchasing. Meanwhile, purchase intention serves as an important indicator reflecting consumer decisions to buy. This study aims to analyze the influence of product innovation and digital promotion on purchase intention for Cre4tify's business in Semarang City. The research employs a quantitative approach, with data collection conducted through questionnaires distributed to Cre4tify consumers. The sample consists of consumers who have purchased Cre4tify products. Data for the study is collected randomly using random sampling, involving 30 respondents. Data analysis is carried out using instrument testing techniques, including validity and reliability tests, multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, and coefficient of determination tests. The findings indicate a significant positive influence of product innovation and digital promotion on purchase intention, suggesting that higher levels of product innovation and digital promotion lead to greater consumer interest in Cre4tify products. This research provides insights for the owner of Cre4tify to continue developing product innovation and digital promotion to enhance consumer appeal and satisfaction. Based on this phenomenon, the researcher has titled the study "The Influence of Product Innovation and Digital Promotion on Purchase Intention in Cre4tify's Business in Semarang City.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Icones INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL VALUE AND PERCEIVED QUALITY ON THE DECISION TO PURCHASE VANS SHOES (CASE STUDY ON UMSU MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM STUDENTS)2024-12-30T01:16:23+08:00Kevin Tiowan[email protected]<p>This study aims to examine the effect of emotional value and perceived quality on purchasing decisions for vans shoes (case study of umsu mechanical engineering study program students). This study uses a quantitative approach method which is measured using multiple linear regression-based methods with the statistical spss program 23. Data collection was carried out by researchers by distributing questionnaires. The population in this study were students of the umsu mechanical engineering study program consisting of the 2021-2023 period, totaling 2,762 people. Data analysis techniques carried out using classical assumption tests, statistical tests, and hypothesis testing. based on the results of the study indicate that (1) emotional value has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (2) perceived quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (3) emotional value and perceived quality together (simultaneously) have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Role of Technological Advances in Hospital Economic Transformation: A Literature Review2024-12-30T09:23:11+08:00Alamsyah Alamsyah[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Digital progress has surged during the last decade. Computers and other modern ICT equipment are a key technological aspect of this new era of globalization, and hospitals are among those who use them. The economy is currently expanding fast, with new modes of consumption emerging. This is the result of the convergence of technological, economic, and socio-cultural forces that are altering traditional modes of commerce. This essay demonstrates how technological improvements influence the change of hospital finance.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This piece is a literature review that was compiled by gathering information through the process of looking for journals that are linked to the title topic.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>The utilization of digital medical technology enhances accessibility and flexibility of healthcare services for the population. This encompasses the accessibility of transparent information regarding health, treatments, difficulties, and recent advancements in biomedical research. Technology significantly transforms the hospital economy by enhancing care quality, decreasing costs, and expanding access to health services</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Strategies in Improving Service Quality and Employees Motivation in Hospitals: Review and Challenges2024-12-29T01:02:49+08:00Divo Septian Zarwin[email protected]<p><em>Effective leadership in hospital organizations is critical to achieving optimal health care goals. This abstract discusses the implementation of various leadership theories, such as Transformational Leadership Theory, Situational Leadership Theory, and Servant Leadership Theory, in the hospital context. </em></p> <p><em>This research shows that the application of transformational leadership can increase the motivation and performance of medical and non-medical staff, through developing a shared vision and empowering employees. Meanwhile, situational leadership theory emphasizes the importance of leader flexibility in adapting leadership style according to the needs of the team and the situati on at hand. On the other hand, servant leadership focuses on service to the team and patients, which contributes to increased patient satisfaction and employee loyalty. </em></p> <p><em>The results of this study indicate that the combination of various leadership approaches can create a collaborative work environment, improve the quality of care, and support innovation in medical practice. Thus, hospital organizations are advised to adopt a holistic and adaptive leadership approach to achieve long-term success in healthcare.</em></p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues OF INNOVATION AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN GOJEK COMPANY TO IMPROVE BRAND IMAGE2024-12-30T08:01:17+08:00Nur Rahmawati[email protected]<p>Innovation and competitive advantage are the two main pillars of technology-based companies in building brand images amidst increasingly fierce competition in the digital industry. Gojek is a technology company from Indonesia that operates in transportation, on-demand services, and digital payments. Intense competition in the transportation and digital services industry forces Gojek to continue to innovate to maintain its position as a market leader and strengthen its brand image. This research analyzes Gojek's innovation and competitive advantage in improving the company's brand image. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a literature study approach. The research results show that Gojek's integrated ecosystem, strategic partnerships, and sustainable innovation positively impact customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby strengthening the company's brand image. This research provides valuable insights for other companies looking to improve their brand image through innovation and competitive advantage.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues and Environmental Benefits of Telehealth: A Pathway to Sustainable Post-Pandemic Healthcare Systems2024-12-30T12:29:44+08:00La Ode Muhammad Albar[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction :</strong>The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth, transforming how healthcare services are delivered and presenting new opportunities for sustainable development. As health care systems world wide grapple with the challenges of post-pandemic recovery, telehealth emerges as a critical tool that offers significant economic and environmental benefits. This paper conducts a comprehensive literature review to explore how telehealth can serve as a pathway to more sustainable healthcare systems, focusing on its potential to reduce costs, improve access to care, and lower environmental impacts.</p> <p><strong>Research Methods :</strong>This study employs a systematic literature reviewto examine the economic and environmental benefits of telehealth within the context of sustainable post-pandemic healthcare systems. Data were gathered from reputable academic databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, focusing on publications from the last five years, particularly those since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Relevant studies were analyzed to extract key findings on the cost-saving potential of telehealth, its role in enhancing healthcare access, and its environmental benefits, such as reducing carbon emissions from patient travel.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Finding/Results :</strong>The review provides a comprehensive understanding of how telehealth can support economic and environmental goals in the healthcare sector, offering valuable insights for future research and policy development. Telehealth not only reduces the financial burden on healthcare systems by minimizing the need for physical infrastructure but also contributes to environmental goals by decreasing carbon emissions associated with patient travel and healthcare facilities.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues CLINIC MANAGEMENT: STRATEGIES,CHALLENGES AND SOLUTION FOR OPTIMIZING HEALTH SERVICE 2024-12-30T01:08:18+08:00Jatmiko wahyu Nugroho[email protected]<p>The management of non-BPJS clinics is becoming increasingly significant in Indonesia's healthcare landscape, primarily due to rapid changes in the healthcare system and shifting patient preferences. These clinics face distinct challenges compared to those operating under the BPJS framework, especially in financial management, service quality, and human resource management. Unlike BPJS clinics, non-BPJS clinics often need to develop innovative strategies to maintain operational efficiency and high patient satisfaction. Effective management is crucial to overcoming these hurdles and ensuring quality healthcare services. This study utilizes a literature review to explore various managerial practices adopted by non-BPJS clinics. The reviewed literature, including academic journals and relevant sources, highlights key strategies that have proven effective in addressing operational and service challenges. Among these strategies are innovations in financial management, such as streamlining budgeting and optimizing revenue streams, as well as improvements in service quality through better staff training and patient care protocols. Furthermore, the adoption of information technology has been instrumental in increasing operational efficiency, from automating patient records to improving appointment scheduling. Direct patient interaction and flexible service offerings have also emerged as critical factors in enhancing patient satisfaction. By implementing these strategies, non-BPJS clinics can better meet the demands of their patients while navigating the complex and evolving healthcare system in Indonesia, thereby providing more efficient and patient-centered care.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues the Drivers of Entrepreneurial Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review2024-12-30T08:27:45+08:00Sri Palupi Prabandari[email protected]Ida Yulianti[email protected]Irma Kurniasari[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Entrepreneurship significantly contributes to a nation's economy by creating new opportunities. The increase in the number of entrepreneurs generates employment, reduces unemployment, and enhances societal welfare. In Indonesia, the interest of the younger generation in entrepreneurship is evident, with data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) indicating that as of February 2024, approximately 56.56 million people, or 37.86% of the national workforce, are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The development of entrepreneurship is crucial for achieving sustainable economic growth and social advancement in the future. This study aims to identify the factors influencing entrepreneurial behavior in Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Research Method:</strong> The methodology this research is a systematic literature review, which enables researchers to identify and analyze various factors contributing to entrepreneurial success.</p> <p><strong>Finding/Result:</strong> The findings from this study can serve as a foundation for future research aimed at further exploring and developing strategies for entrepreneurship development in Indonesia, with the hope of contributing to sustainable economic growth and social progress.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Human Resource Management (HRM) Strategies in Facing Healthcare Workforce Crisis: Approaches for Efficiency and Sustainability2024-12-24T17:16:49+08:00Annisa Puty Widaryanto[email protected]Mia Novita Sari[email protected]<p>Introduction: The healthcare workforce crisis is becoming increasingly severe, impacting the quality of care and the operational sustainability of hospitals worldwide. This challenge includes workforce shortages, high levels of burnout, and the need for rapid adaptation to policy and technological changes. This study explores effective human resource management (HRM) strategies to address the healthcare workforce crisis, focusing on operational efficiency and the sustainability of hospitals in managing the ongoing workforce challenges. By employing various strategies, hospitals can not only mitigate the effects of workforce shortages but also ensure long-term sustainability and improved patient care. Key strategies include optimizing healthcare recruitment processes, enhancing workforce retention through professional development, implementing flexible work arrangements, and fostering a supportive organizational culture.<br>Research Methods: The research method employed is a literature review involving collecting and analyzing relevant data to support the study.<br>Finding/Results: The research identified three key strategies adopted by hospitals to address the workforce crisis including the development of ongoing training programs, the implementation of technology for operational efficiency, and initiatives to enhance staff well-being and retention. Additionally, the success of these strategies is highly dependent on the local context and policy support. The implications of results provide guidance for hospital management in formulating HRM policies that are adaptives and responsive to crisis, thereby maintaining the quality of healthcare services are safeguarding of the well-being of healthcare workers.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues EFFICIENCY USING ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS FOR PATIENT SERVICE QUALITY: LITERATURE REVIEW2024-12-30T07:48:53+08:00Ni Wayan Siska Anggraeni[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are computerized medical information systems that collect, store, and display patient’s health and clinical information electronically. The use of electronic health records has rapidly grown as an important tool in the modern healthcare system. EHRs are designed to improve hospital operational efficiency and improve patient service quality. The aim of the article is to determine the hospital efficiency using electronic health records for patient service quality. This topic is interesting because EHRs are a technology that promises substantial improvements in the healthcare system, but its impact is still mixed and requires thorough evaluation.</p> <p><strong>Research Methods</strong>: This study uses a systematic review of literature to determine the hospital efficiency using electronic health records for patient service quality. Data were collected from databases such as wiley online library, science direct, pubmed, with keywords such as "electronic health records", "hospital efficiency", and "patient service quality". The selected studies were articles published in the last 5 years, full papers are available that can be accessed, articles in english.</p> <p><strong>Finding/Results</strong>: The findings of this review indicate that EHRs implementation generally contributes to increased hospital efficiency by reducing medical errors, speeding up administrative processes, and improving coordination between departments. In addition, EHRs are often associated with improved patient service quality, including diagnostic accuracy and patient satisfaction. Moreover, the use of EHRs enhances data security and supports better decision-making through real-time access to patient information. EHRs with health information technology have the potential to reduce medical costs.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Economic Impact of Medical Tourism on Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges : literature review2024-12-30T12:18:28+08:00Ivan Master Worung[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>This article provides a literature review on the economic impact of medical tourism on emerging markets, focusing on the opportunities and challenges involved. The study examines various sources of literature to offer a comprehensive overview of how medical tourism affects economic variables such as job creation, healthcare infrastructure, and foreign investment in developing countries. The findings highlight the need for strategic policy interventions and sustainable practices to maximize the positive economic impacts of medical tourism while mitigating associated risks. This article aims to be a valuable resource for policymakers, healthcare providers, and researchers in understanding and managing the complex dynamics of medical tourism in emerging markets.</p> <p><strong>Research Method: </strong>A systematic review was carried out through articles published from 2019 to 2024. A systematic review was carried out on several articles with the key words "The economic impact of medical tourism", "Emerging markets", and "Opportunities and Challenges" . Inclusion criteria were articles in English or Indonesian, open access, after the review process, The articles were selected to be included in this review.</p> <p><strong>Finding/Result: </strong>By analyzing diverse case studies and empirical data, the article identifies key benefits, including increased revenue and improved healthcare standards, as well as challenges such as resource allocation, regulatory issues, and potential inequalities in healthcare access.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues OF MEDICAL TOURISM IN INDONESIA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES2024-12-30T00:59:49+08:00Hendera Tanujaya Tan[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Medical tourism has a positive impact on economic development. It generates significant revenue for the country. Medical tourism policies in Indonesia developed since 2015 adopt policies from other countries that have previously implemented medical tourism programs and are currently considered quite promising. In terms of tourism, Indonesia has a natural beauty that is attractive to foreign tourists. In terms of medicine, hospitals in Indonesia also have facilities and doctors that have been internationally accredited. The purpose of this literature review is to see the challenges and opportunities in the development of medical tourism in Indonesia. <strong>Research Methods</strong>: Literature review by collecting journals related to medical tourism in Indonesia and the development of medical tourism in Indonesia in the last five years. <strong>Finding/Results</strong>: In the last 8 years, the development of medical tourism in Indonesia, including programs to improve and equalize medical device technology through the Strengthening Indonesia's Healthcare Referral Network (SIHREN), Robotic surgery technology, telesurgery and remote surgery. Twenty-four hospitals that have been accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI). Indonesia Medical Tourism Board (IMTB) as a specific website that is more easily accessible to medical tourists. Indonesia also offers various tourism sectors, including culinary, cultural, wellness, ecotourism and heritage. The intensive promotion and preparation of medical tourism in Indonesia is believed to be very attractive to local and international medical tourists to seek treatment in Indonesia.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Service Quality Strategy in Increasing Patient Satisfaction in Indonesian Hospitals: Literature Review2024-12-30T08:20:29+08:00Raymond Oswari[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction:</strong>Based on some experiences from the use of health services in Indonesia, the higher the level of patient satisfaction with health services in Indonesia, the better. Good patient satisfaction can be seen from the quality of health services themselves, both hospitals and clinics.</p> <p><strong>Research methods:</strong>This study is a literature review using the PRISMA method, with a search for journal articles in the database obtained from Google Scholar, Emerald, and ProQuest. From the database, there are a total of 185 articles with a publication period in the last 5 years (2019 - 2024). The selection stage is then carried out to obtain articles that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong>The results of several existing studies indicate that service quality has a positive effect on patient satisfaction, patient satisfaction has a positive effect on patient loyalty, service quality has a positive effect on patient loyalty, and service quality on patient loyalty with patient satisfaction as a mediator. The dimensions used for the assessment of several hospitals using SERVQUAL are tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, reliability, and<em>empathy</em>. Factors that can be fulfilled as a form of service quality are described from SDMK that handles patient complaints, waiting time and service in accordance with SOP, and the availability of facilities and infrastructure utilized by patients. Service quality has an influence on patient loyalty in every health service in Indonesia. This article shows that good service quality will greatly affect patient satisfaction, thus creating ongoing loyalty from patients to every health service in Indonesia.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues OF LEADERSHIP STYLE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (CASE STUDY IN MLUWEH VILLAGE, EAST UNGARAN SUB-DISTRICT)2025-01-18T14:45:48+08:00Novita Deva Sevira[email protected]<p>Human resources are one indicator that has a big influence on the isuccess iof ian iorganization iin iachieving iits igoals. An effective leadership style can motivate and inspire employees, increase job satisfaction and performance, and a positive and supportive work environment also makes ia significant contribution ito iimproving iemployee iperformance. Company leaders need to pay attention to the iwork ienvironment ito provide comfort and support employees in their activities, and by providing a good leadership style it will provide job satisfaction for employees in the Mluweh Village Case Study, East Ungaran subdistrict. The iresearch imethod iuses ia iqualitative iapproach iwith idata icollection itechniques ithrough iin-depth iinterviews iand iparticipant observation. This research focuses on how participative and democratic leadership styles, as well as a safe and supportive work environment, can improve employee performance. The research results show that a motivating and inspirational leadership style has ia ipositive iinfluence ion iemployee iperformance. Apart from that, a icomfortable iand iinclusive work ienvironment ialso contributes significantly to improving employee performance. Thus, this research provides strategic implications for the management of Mluweh Village, East Ungaran District to develop a leadership style and work environment that supports employee performance.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Indicator Staff Need (WISN) as Workload Management Strategies for Health Workers: Literature Review2024-12-20T22:45:08+08:00Angelica Safilia[email protected]<p>Introduction: Health workers are at a high risk of experiencing severe distress, burnout, and both mental and physical illness. This could affect hospital outcomes, such as the quality and patient safety. Burnout among health care workers, mainly medical staff, was becoming an occupational hazard, with its rate reaching between 25% and 75% in some clinical specialties. Health managers need an effective, systematic way to make staffing decisions if they are to manage their valuable human resources well. The workload indicators of staffing need is such a method. This study aims to analyze theoretically workload indicator staff need (WISN) as workload management strategy for health workers.<br>Research Methods: The research method uses a literature study, by carrying out several steps, such as collecting data sources, reducing data and drawing conclusions. Data collection was carried out through secondary data from previously conducted research.<br>Finding/Results: The WISN method can be applied for all types of healthcare facilities in all sectors – government, nongovernmental organization (NGO) and private – and for all<br>personnel categories, including nonmedical ones. The WISN method is based on a health worker’s workload, with activity time standards applied for each workload component. WISN is an effective tool as a workload management strategy in healthcare facilities. However, there are challenges and unforeseen factors that can affect WISN results.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Icones in Public Health Management as Response to the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review2024-12-30T01:27:57+08:00Nabila Mazaya Putri[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed profound challenges in global public health management systems, spurring the need for innovations to improve the effectiveness and resilience of the health sector. These innovations not only help in dealing with the surge in cases and reduce the risk of transmission, but also improve operational efficiency and quality of health services. This article explores various innovations in public health management implemented in response to the impact of the pandemic, focusing on three main aspects: digitization of healthcare services, changes in health policies, and development of risk management models.</p> <p><strong>Research Methods:</strong> Through the analysis of literature review, this research shows how the adoption of telemedicine technology, integration of health information as well as evidence-based policy adjustments have helped countries deal with the unprecedented health crisis<strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Finding/Results:</strong> The findings from this article suggest that these innovations not only improved the response to the pandemic but also have the potential to strengthen health systems in the future. The study concludes with recommendations for the continued development and adaptation of public health management models in the face of evolving global health challenges by understanding how to apply innovation effectively to be better prepared to face global health challenges in the future.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Growth of Medical Tourism in Malaysia: Key Factors Driving Regional Trust and Opportunities for Indonesia2024-12-30T12:02:14+08:00Annisa Dwi Magistra Ramadhani[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction : </strong>Malaysia has achieved remarkable success in the health sector, which is prominently reflected in the increasing Indonesian patients medical tourists choosing the country for their healthcare. This growing trend extends beyond Indonesian patients, as individuals from various Southeast Asian are also opting for medical treatments in Malaysia. Such a phenomenon highlights the exceptional quality of Malaysia’s healthcare system, underscoring the high level of trust and confidence that international patients place in its services. This influx of medical tourists is indicative of Malaysia’s rising prominence as a hub for medical tourism in the region. The primary objective of this article is to delve into the factors driving the rapid expansion of medical tourism in Malaysia. By analyzing these factors, the article seeks to offer valuable insights that could inform and guide efforts to elevate the standards of health services and understanding the dynamics behind Malaysia’s success could provide a strategic framework for enhancing Indonesia’s healthcare sector, and increased attraction for medical tourists.</p> <p><strong>Research Method:</strong> This study is a conceptual analysis that synthesizes existing literature relevant to the factors contributing to the success of medical tourism in Malaysia. The data was meticulously collected from reputable academic databases, focusing on research published over this decade.</p> <p><strong>Findings/ Results: </strong>Factors such as the quality of health services, brand image of hospitals, competitive costs, government involvement, and ability to adapt to culture are factors that increase the success of medical tourism.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues DILEMMA MODEL ON STREET VENDORS IN BENGKULU CITY2024-12-30T00:51:29+08:00Eka Dewi Anggraini[email protected]<p>The existence of Street Vendors (PKL) in Bengkulu City also contributes to the community's economy. The large number of street vendors illustrates a conflict of interest where the actions of one trader have an impact on the income of other traders. In game theory, this condition is in line with the prisoner dilemma theory which explains the occurrence of a conflict between two prisoners who want to get a lighter sentence but the duration of the sentence is determined by the confession given by the two prisoners in separate places. When the two players interact, then actions that benefit one player are not advantageous to the other. If all players do the best strategy for them, then the result will end up in a worse situation for both of them.</p> <p>This study tests the prisoner's dilemma theory to prove whether with the best strategy the reward will be better or worse for both parties? The data used is primary data from 90 respondents who sell food and beverages in Bengkulu City. The data collected includes information on demographic variables, business characteristics, and sales characteristics. The results of the study prove that the prisoner's dilemma theorem applies to street vendors in Bengkulu City. Cooperative strategies are not able to provide maximum rewards for street vendors. However, non-cooperative strategies further worsen the results received. Therefore, the strategy to obtain maximum rewards is not only determined by internal conditions, but also external conditions. Internal conditions are factors controlled by street vendors such as food taste, packaging, price, and selection of selling locations. Meanwhile, external factors are conditions of uncertainty that cannot be controlled by street vendors, such as taste, weather, and the number of consumers.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues INFLUENCE OF SHARIA CAPITAL MARKETS AND INFLATION TO ECONOMY GROWTH IN INDONESIA2024-12-30T08:12:50+08:00Putri Aprilia[email protected]Ririn Nopiah[email protected]<p>The purpose of this study is to determine the influences that can increase Indonesia's economic growth in the Islamic capital market, Indonesia's market Sharia stock in the Islamic capital market is good because Indonesia has a Muslim population. Therefore, this research is expected to add to the research and consider the improvement of PMS programs and policies in related institutions. The population of this study was 300 data related to Islamic capital market data, inflation, and economic growth in Indonesia. The number of samples used was 60 samples. This research is a quantitative research that uses secondary data. The analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression, where the analysis method includes descriptive statistical analysis, classical hypothesis testing, multiple linear analysis testing and hypothesis testing. The results showed that simultaneously stocks, bonds, mutual funds and inflation have a significant influence on Indonesia's economic growth. However, partially it shows that Islamic stocks have a positive and significant effect, Mutual funds have a negative and significant effect, Sukuk have a negative and insignificant effect, and Inflation has a negative and insignificant effect on Indonesia's economic growth. The conclusion is that the Islamic capital market both simultaneously and partially has a positive and significant and negative influence on Indonesia's economic growth.</p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Employee Productivity Through Implementation of Health Programs (Case Study at the Secretariat of the Central Java Provincial Council)2025-01-18T14:09:41+08:00Mulaqiyatul Makhaliyah[email protected]<p>This case study aims to measure the effect of implementing a health program on omployee performance at the secretariat of the Central Java Provincial DPRD. Employee productivity is one of the keys to the success of an organization. The method used is a case study using a qualitative approach involving interviews and observations. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of a structured and sustainable health program has a significant effect on increasing employee productivity. This program not only has a positive impact on physical health, but can also increase motivation, interaction between employees and job satisfaction. Thus, the implementation of a health program can be an effective strategy in improving employee performance.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues Role of Job Satisfaction in Improving Team Productivity at Alya Hijab By Naja2024-12-20T22:31:43+08:00Ahmad Riziq[email protected]<p>This research discusses the role of job satisfaction in increasing team productivity at the company Alya hijab by Naja Demak and This research aims to explore the role of job satisfaction as a determining factor in increase team productivity. With the rapid development of the business world Currently, companies are required to continue to innovate and improve work efficiency. One of the ways What can be done is to understand how job satisfaction team members can get contribute to overall performance. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach, data obtained from surveys and in-depth interviews with employees in various sectors. Results analysis shows that there is a significant positive relationship between job satisfaction and team productivity, where employees who feel satisfied tend to show more performance better and more effective collaboration. It is hoped that these findings can serve as a guide for managers and team leader in designing human resource management strategies that are not only focused on output, but also on employee welfare. By increasing job satisfaction, It is hoped that team productivity can increase sustainabl</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Icones Role of Digital Technology in Driving Sustainable Growth for SMEs2024-12-30T01:20:20+08:00Khalida Sofia[email protected]<p>In the ever-evolving digital age, digital technologies have played a crucial role in facilitating sustainable growth in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This article aims to explore how digital technologies, including management software, e-commerce platforms, and data analytics tools, can be used to improve operational efficiency, expand markets, and promote sustainable business practices in SMEs. Using a comprehensive literature approach, we review various case studies and current research that illustrate the implementation of digital technologies in the context of SMEs. Our findings show that digital technologies not only enable SMEs to reduce operational costs and improve competitiveness, but also support the development of greener practices through more efficient resource management and waste reduction. In addition, the adoption of digital technologies has the potential to increase transparency and accountability in the supply chain, which is key to achieving sustainable growth goals. The article also discusses the challenges SMEs face in implementing digital technologies, including resource limitations and skills shortages, and provides strategic recommendations for making optimal use of digital technologies. In conclusion, digital technology serves as a significant enabler for sustainable growth in SMEs, but successful adoption requires strategic support and proper training to overcome existing barriers.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues LEAN HOSPITAL IN PHARMACY UNIT : LITERATURE REVIEW2024-12-30T11:50:30+08:00Aditya Wahyu Prasetyo[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Lean Hospital is a management approach designed to enhance the efficiency and quality of hospital services by eliminating waste and improving work processes. The implementation of Lean in hospital pharmacy units holds significant potential for improving workflow, reducing waiting times, and ensuring the optimal availability of medications for patients.</p> <p><strong>Research Methods</strong>: This study uses a narrative literature review as the research method. The inclusion criteria selected were articles published within the last five years, from 2020 to 2024, with full access available, relevant to the keywords, and focused on hospitals in Indonesia. The exclusion criteria were articles that were not fully accessible and those published outside the specified time frame.</p> <p><strong>Findings/Results</strong>: From several articles implementation of Lean Hospital practices in pharmacy units resulted in an increase in Value Added Ratio (VAR) and a reduction in Lead Time (LT) for both concoction recipe and non-concoction recipe, positively affecting patient wait times. These outcomes improve the efficiency and quality of services provided by the pharmacy unit. Several approaches used to identify problems and reduce waste include the 5W-root cause analysis method, fishbone analysis, and the application of the 5S methodology within the hospital setting.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues BEHAVIOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS: FROM THE CONCEPT OF HOMO ECONOMICUS TO HOMO SPIRITUS2024-12-30T00:41:57+08:00Ida Ayu Nursanty[email protected]<p>This research highlights accounting malpractice under the concept of Homo Economicus and how the Homo Spiritus concept guides professional accountants to develop a willingness to embark on a spiritual journey through everyday life and professional services to clients. The study of the Homo Spiritus concept refers to individuals with holistic awareness, characterized by complete obedience to God's will, based on the conscience (God Spot). Research on the spiritualist paradigm remains limited. The researcher aims to enrich the discourse and bring it to light as a contribution to expanding the scope of qualitative research from a spiritualist perspective.</p> <p>This research uses the Rationalist Spiritualist method, meaning the researcher analyzes data with a directed and accurate mindset. However, this approach alone cannot uncover ultimate truth; it serves as foundational steps. The ultimate truth can be discovered through the control of the mind. A spiritualist mindset is one that is controlled, born from a heart that has been purified and made whole. This manifests in one’s work and brings benefits to others.</p> <p>The research found that the concept of Homo Economicus, characterized by its emphasis on rational thinking, has faced much criticism for its pursuit of prosperity limited to self-interest. Clearly, a new concept is needed to achieve the ideal nature of accountants, by treating the Homo Economicus concept as a step towards the Homo Spiritus concept. This more grounded concept aims to lead humanity towards a more just and prosperous life.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues EFFECT OF PHOMO, SHOPPING LIFESTYLE, AND HEDONIC SHOPPING MOTIVATION ON IMPULSE BUYING DECISION IN BEAUTY E-COMMERCE BEAUTY HAUL (CASE STUDY OF STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH NORTH SUMATRA)2024-12-30T08:04:53+08:00Nurhaliza Nurhaliza[email protected]<p>The large variety of cosmetic products offered through online sales methods and various promotions is the cause of unplanned purchasing behavior or Impulse Buying Decision by customers. This unplanned decision to buy cosmetics products is influenced by various factors, both personal and environmental. This research examines the influence of FOMO, Shopping Lifestyle, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, on Impulse Buying Decision on Beauty Haul by Student. This type of research is quantitative with an associative design to determine the relationship between influencing variabels and the variabels that are influenced. The research population was 4.612 students from Faculty of Economics and Business at UMSU Medan for the 2023/2024 academic year. The sample was determined by puposive random sampling using the slovin formula and obtained 100 respondents. Data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and previously a classical assumption test was carried out. The research results show that FOMO, Shopping Lifestyle, and Hedonic Shopping Motivation partially have a positive and significant effect on the Impulse Buying Decisions of students at the Faculty of Economics and Business at UMSU Medan for the 2023/2024 academic year on Beauty Haul. FOMO, Shopping Lifestyle and Hedonic Shopping Motivstion simultaneously influence the Impulse Buying Decision of students from Faculty of Economics and Business at UMSU Medan for the 2023/2024 academic year on Beauty Haul.</p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues THE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF SMEs THROUGH THE ROLE OF WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP, ECO-FRIENDLY ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION 2025-01-02T16:26:58+08:00Ika Yuliana[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Indonesia has 64.1 million Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia play a crucial role in the national economy by supplying products and services, generating employment, and serving as a source of revenue for the community. Despite their significant role in economic development, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) have not made ideal contributions to sustainability. The imperative to address environmental concerns cannot be effectively managed by SMEs without a defined approach. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) must adopt ecologically orientated practices (Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurship) to enhance their performance. The significance of women's roles and entrepreneurial orientation in business has become increasingly vital, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. The title "Increasing SME Business Performance through Women's Entrepreneurship, Eco-Friendly Practices, and Entrepreneurial Orientation" aims to elevate public knowledge on the importance of environmental sustainability in business operations.</p> <p><strong>Research Approach: </strong>The employed research methodology is quantitative. This study surveyed 49 female owners or managers of SMEs in Indonesia. The research procedure was conducted in many stages: problem analysis, collection of supporting papers (journals), gathering primary data, data processing through multiple linear regression using the SPSS software, and ultimately deriving conclusions and recommendations from the study. The acquired data underwent assessments for instrument feasibility, first with validity and reliability tests, followed by hypothesis testing.</p> <p><strong>Finding/Results: </strong>This study revealed that the Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurship variable did not affect company performance, whereas the other variables positively influenced it.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues OF THE ROLE OF BRAND IMAGE, PRODUCT QUALITY, AND PROMOTION ON PURCHASE DECISIONS FOR IPHONE USERS AMONG STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS AT WAHID HASYIM UNIVERSITY SEMARANG2024-12-20T21:43:38+08:00Adam Gilang[email protected]Eksa Ade[email protected]Fitria[email protected]Ratna[email protected]Ratih Pratiwi[email protected]<p>This research examines the influence of brand image, product quality, and promotion on the purchasing decision of iPhones among students of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Wahid Hasyim University Semarang. The survey was conducted on 30 respondents who met the criteria as iPhone users, active students of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Wahid Hasyim University Semarang, and aged over 18 years. This research is quantitative in nature, with a positivist approach, and data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results show that brand image, product quality, and promotion significantly influence purchasing decisions. Brand image has a t-value of -3.067 (significance 0.005), product quality of 6.267 (significance 0.000), and promotion of 5.919 (significance 0.000). Overall, these variables have an F-value of 68.092 (significance 0.000) with an R Square value of 0.887, indicating that 88.7% of the variation in purchase decisions is explained by these factors. The remaining variation is caused by factors beyond the scope of this study.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Icones IMPACT OF THE REGIONAL CONFLICTS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ASEAN2024-12-30T01:12:32+08:00Jonkenedi Jonkenedi[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Occurred the conflict between Rusia and Ukraine can be influencing the economic development in the worldwide, also the conflict between Israel-Palestine, caused geopolitical as well as the global economic are not stable. By reason of the Russia is the country that one of the supplies the oil for the world as well as trade routes in the Middle East are experiencing a slowdown in the distribution of good dan services. Impact of globalization, the ASEAN has quickly influenced the economic sectors such as: exchange, inflation and export growth. The purpose of this study is to understand and know how impact the regional conflicts that caused by conflict between Rusia-Ukraine as well as Israel-Palestine.</p> <p><strong>Research Methods:</strong> The data is secondary data that collected from This study uses the quantitative method as research methodology and by using <em>Eviews</em> as statistic tool.</p> <p><strong>Finding/Result: </strong>this study found out that influence from regional conflicts between Rusia-Ukraine also Israel-Palestine causing the economics of ASEAN experiencing slow-down. Exchange Rate is only has not effect on the economic development during the regional conflicts. The Inflation and export growth had been influenced by GDP as measurement of the economic developments that caused by regional conflicts. The result of this study will be expected become the one of the consideration analyses for the president in each of the ASEAN countries into take a policy.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-12-30T08:31:08+08:00Wieke Ratna Muninggar[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Human Resources (HR) is a highly valuable and critical asset in an organization, playing a key role in achieving the company’s strategic goals. Effective employee performance not only enhances operational efficiency but also has a direct impact on meeting company objectives and gaining a competitive advantage in the market. As one of the organization’s most important assets, HR is responsible for planning, managing, and developing the workforce to maximize their potential and contribute to the company’s strategic goals. This research explores the challenges organizations face in implementing effective Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies and provides solutions and recommendations to overcome these challenges to improve employee performance. It also offers a comprehensive overview of factors that contribute to employee performance.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Research Methods: </strong>Data related to HRM for improving employee performance were sourced from Elsevier (SCOPUS), Emerald, Science Direct, Sage Journals, Indonesian Management Journal, and Garuda Digital Reference. The analysis utilized the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) method.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Finding/Results: </strong>The findings indicate that effective HRM strategies, such as competency-based recruitment, ongoing training, clear performance management systems, and fair compensation and benefits, have a significant impact on improving employee performance and satisfaction. This is demonstrated by the achievement of targets set by the company through its employees. HRM focuses on managing individuals within the organization to foster a healthy work culture, enhance employee motivation, and improve overall productivity. With an effective HRM strategy, organizations can better address business challenges, increase competitiveness, and achieve long-term success.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Conference on Economic Issues