Pati Regency, as part of the integrated tourism area of Pakudjembara, has untapped tourism potential, including the Gunungsari Pine Forest, which offers beautiful scenery and cool air in the Muria mount ains, and was inaugurated as a Tourist Village on December 2, 2017. However, a lack of networking and cooperation between the government and village tourism managers is impeding the development of tourism in this area, which has a negative impact on visitor attraction. This study emphasizes the importance of collaboration between managers, the government, the community, and the private sector to enhance the quality, innovation, and competitiveness of tourist destinations in support of sustainable and competitive tourism development. The research sample includes village tourism managers, Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis), MSMEs in the tourism value chain, as well as village and Pati Regency governments, with the leading sector being the Pati Regency Tourism and Culture Office. The local community and visitors are also part of the research sample. Data collection techniques include questionnaires, in-depth interviews, field observations, and document studies from government reports. The data was analyzed using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) to assess the relative attractiveness of various development strategies based on internal and external factors. The outcome of this research is the formulation of strategies to enhance the development of the Gunungsari Pine Forest Tourist Village through collaboration and networking involving various stakeholders.
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