
  • Ika Yuliana


Introduction: Indonesia has 64.1 million Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia play a crucial role in the national economy by supplying products and services, generating employment, and serving as a source of revenue for the community. Despite their significant role in economic development, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) have not made ideal contributions to sustainability. The imperative to address environmental concerns cannot be effectively managed by SMEs without a defined approach. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) must adopt ecologically orientated practices (Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurship) to enhance their performance. The significance of women's roles and entrepreneurial orientation in business has become increasingly vital, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. The title "Increasing SME Business Performance through Women's Entrepreneurship, Eco-Friendly Practices, and Entrepreneurial Orientation" aims to elevate public knowledge on the importance of environmental sustainability in business operations.

Research Approach: The employed research methodology is quantitative. This study surveyed 49 female owners or managers of SMEs in Indonesia. The research procedure was conducted in many stages: problem analysis, collection of supporting papers (journals), gathering primary data, data processing through multiple linear regression using the SPSS software, and ultimately deriving conclusions and recommendations from the study. The acquired data underwent assessments for instrument feasibility, first with validity and reliability tests, followed by hypothesis testing.

Finding/Results: This study revealed that the Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurship variable did not affect company performance, whereas the other variables positively influenced it.


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