The Economic Impact of Medical Tourism on Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges : literature review


  • Ivan Master Worung


Introduction: This article provides a literature review on the economic impact of medical tourism on emerging markets, focusing on the opportunities and challenges involved. The study examines various sources of literature to offer a comprehensive overview of how medical tourism affects economic variables such as job creation, healthcare infrastructure, and foreign investment in developing countries. The findings highlight the need for strategic policy interventions and sustainable practices to maximize the positive economic impacts of medical tourism while mitigating associated risks. This article aims to be a valuable resource for policymakers, healthcare providers, and researchers in understanding and managing the complex dynamics of medical tourism in emerging markets.

Research Method: A systematic review was carried out through articles published from 2019 to 2024. A systematic review was carried out on several articles with the key words "The economic impact of medical tourism", "Emerging markets", and "Opportunities and Challenges" . Inclusion criteria were articles in English or Indonesian, open access, after the review process, The articles were selected to be included in this review.

Finding/Result: By analyzing diverse case studies and empirical data, the article identifies key benefits, including increased revenue and improved healthcare standards, as well as challenges such as resource allocation, regulatory issues, and potential inequalities in healthcare access.


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