Service Quality Strategy in Increasing Patient Satisfaction in Indonesian Hospitals: Literature Review


  • Raymond Oswari


Introduction:Based on some experiences from the use of health services in Indonesia, the higher the level of patient satisfaction with health services in Indonesia, the better. Good patient satisfaction can be seen from the quality of health services themselves, both hospitals and clinics.

Research methods:This study is a literature review using the PRISMA method, with a search for journal articles in the database obtained from Google Scholar, Emerald, and ProQuest. From the database, there are a total of 185 articles with a publication period in the last 5 years (2019 - 2024). The selection stage is then carried out to obtain articles that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Conclusion:The results of several existing studies indicate that service quality has a positive effect on patient satisfaction, patient satisfaction has a positive effect on patient loyalty, service quality has a positive effect on patient loyalty, and service quality on patient loyalty with patient satisfaction as a mediator. The dimensions used for the assessment of several hospitals using SERVQUAL are tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, reliability, andempathy. Factors that can be fulfilled as a form of service quality are described from SDMK that handles patient complaints, waiting time and service in accordance with SOP, and the availability of facilities and infrastructure utilized by patients. Service quality has an influence on patient loyalty in every health service in Indonesia. This article shows that good service quality will greatly affect patient satisfaction, thus creating ongoing loyalty from patients to every health service in Indonesia.


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