
  • Nurrofi Sekarjati


Human resources are an important factor for an institution. Health human resources in Indonesia have their own problems and challenges, such as availability, accessibility, acceptability, quality and distribution which are not yet optimal, thus affecting the quality of services in health facilities, especially in the BPJS era which demands an understanding of management by health workers in serving patients. The scientific reading sources obtained are still very minimal regarding human resource management, especially regarding the strategies used in managing management policies. The aim of this research is to find out what strategies can be used to improve health human resource management so that it can improve the quality of service in health facilities. This study uses a research design in the form of content analysis by analyzing data obtained from various journal sources, scientific articles, and other relevant sources searched. The selected journals were obtained which will be analyzed by creating a journal matrix. The indicators displayed are, topic/strategy used, research methods, research instruments, year of research, research subjects, results or research progress. Based on data analysis, it was found that the type of research used was dominated by a qualitative approach, with systematic review methods, and with literature review research instruments. The strategies used are training and education, but most journals do not reveal the human resource development strategies used to improve the quality of services in health facilities in the BPJS era.


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