Introduction: Stunting is a significant health problem that impairs children's physical and cognitive development, leading to long-term consequences for economic growth and workforce productivity. A productive labour force, fuelled by demographic bonus opportunities from 2020 to 2045, is key to accelerating Indonesia's economic growth. Effective prevention of stunting can improve the quality of human resources and support the vision of "The Golden Indonesia 2045." Despite a reduction in the stunting rate to 21.6% in 2022, the decrease slowed to only 0.1% in 2023, with a target of 14% set for 2024. Simultaneously, Indonesia's GDP is projected to reach USD 1.3 trillion by the first quarter of 2024. This study examines how hospital management can play a role in reducing stunting and boosting economic growth.
Research Methods: Through a literature review, the study compiles data from articles, government publications, and case studies regarding hospital management's role in stunting interventions. It identifies key strategies used by hospitals to combat stunting and how these efforts contribute to economic growth aligned with Indonesia's Golden Vision for 2045.
Findings/Results: The study reveals that hospital management practices such as data-driven nutrition programs, staff training, and continuous monitoring systems are effective in managing and reducing stunting. These interventions not only improve children's health but also have a direct positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth. Meeting stunting reduction targets is essential for positioning Indonesia as one of the world's leading economies by 2045.
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