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The Role of Digital Technology in Driving Sustainable Growth for SMEs


  • Khalida Sofia


In the ever-evolving digital age, digital technologies have played a crucial role in facilitating sustainable growth in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This article aims to explore how digital technologies, including management software, e-commerce platforms, and data analytics tools, can be used to improve operational efficiency, expand markets, and promote sustainable business practices in SMEs. Using a comprehensive literature approach, we review various case studies and current research that illustrate the implementation of digital technologies in the context of SMEs. Our findings show that digital technologies not only enable SMEs to reduce operational costs and improve competitiveness, but also support the development of greener practices through more efficient resource management and waste reduction. In addition, the adoption of digital technologies has the potential to increase transparency and accountability in the supply chain, which is key to achieving sustainable growth goals. The article also discusses the challenges SMEs face in implementing digital technologies, including resource limitations and skills shortages, and provides strategic recommendations for making optimal use of digital technologies. In conclusion, digital technology serves as a significant enabler for sustainable growth in SMEs, but successful adoption requires strategic support and proper training to overcome existing barriers.


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