
  • Indry Nurafsari



The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of patient satisfaction on the willingness or loyalty of patients to the hospital, which will include overall hospital services. Customer satisfaction is the goal of a hospital service, in accordance with the principles of the Seven Basic Elements of the Marketing Mix (product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence), has an important role in the hospital service marketing strategy in order to achieve patient satisfaction and loyalty.  Patient loyalty is an important indicator for the success and sustainability of hospital operations, which can be achieved through optimal patient satisfaction. Factors such as speed of service, staff friendliness, availability of facilities, and clarity of information play an important role in determining the level of patient satisfaction. Patients who are satisfied with the services they receive are more likely to return to the hospital in the future, and recommend the hospital to others.


Research and Methods:

We conduct this study through the identification Literature review, where we will evaluate and interpret all relevant research results related to research that is in accordance with the topic.



This study concluded that improving patient satisfaction in hospital services is an effective strategy to increase patient or customer loyalty to reuse hospital services when needed, and also to recommend hospital services to others. Hospitals that consistently provide high-quality services and maintain good relationships with patients can build long-term loyalty that benefits both parties.


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