The advancement of information and communication technology has significant implications for the social and economic lives of people worldwide, including people in Indonesia. This advancement transcends national and regional boundaries and reaches all social institutions and the economic power of the society. Various forms of creativity and innovation emerge as answers to various problems that simultaneously surface along with advances in internet-based information and communication technology. This research used a literacy study method combined with various data from participatory and phenomenological approaches to affirm the problems found in addition to advances in internet-based information and communication technology. The advancement of information and communication technology has covered three levels of development, namely the hardware level, software level, and meaning system level. At the hardware level, information and communication technology has also expanded in various countries including Indonesia, where almost all private and government agencies utilize information and communication technology to increase the quantity and acceleration of information production. Besides that, at the software level, information and communication technology is used to improve product quality because it is closely related to how the technology is used. In every country, almost all areas of life strategically require a touch of information and communication technology. This can be seen in the various products of information and communication technology companies that produce everything from e-mail, e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journal, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-shopping, e-banking, and all electronic-based information and communication systems. The application of information and communication technology brings social and economic implications for all citizens wherever they are into a condition that cannot be rejected by anyone or any nation, a conditio sine qua non of a movement of human civilization inhabiting this earth.
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