Leadership Strategies in Improving Service Quality and Employees Motivation in Hospitals: Review and Challenges
Effective leadership in hospital organizations is critical to achieving optimal health care goals. This abstract discusses the implementation of various leadership theories, such as Transformational Leadership Theory, Situational Leadership Theory, and Servant Leadership Theory, in the hospital context.
This research shows that the application of transformational leadership can increase the motivation and performance of medical and non-medical staff, through developing a shared vision and empowering employees. Meanwhile, situational leadership theory emphasizes the importance of leader flexibility in adapting leadership style according to the needs of the team and the situati on at hand. On the other hand, servant leadership focuses on service to the team and patients, which contributes to increased patient satisfaction and employee loyalty.
The results of this study indicate that the combination of various leadership approaches can create a collaborative work environment, improve the quality of care, and support innovation in medical practice. Thus, hospital organizations are advised to adopt a holistic and adaptive leadership approach to achieve long-term success in healthcare.
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